Wishes - A Spiritual Story

It’s really fun helping individuals to realize how special and empowered they are and can be, and to watch as their deepest wishes come true. I’ve been so fortunate to be in that position quite often. My own wishes have been getting more manifested over the last few years as well. It’s best when dealing with wishes that we don’t spin our wheels wishing for things we cannot have. For example, there have been many times when I’ve wished my mum was still around physically (she’s often around me spiritually). I am very much more conscious of not focusing on wishing something were different or not the case, and spending more time wishing for that which I know I can have and create. This is better use of my time here on earth. I recommend this for you, our beloved reader.

The Universe wants to deliver our wishes, especially when they are in alignment with the flow of life. Our job is to be as crystal clear about what our wishes are, so that it’s easy to understand and hard to miss or misinterpret the request.

Many, many years ago I had visions of a man. He only hinted at what the front of him looked like, as he always had his back to me. He wore a long duster coat like cowboys wear, and there was a salt and pepper color hair, with small beard and mustache. He felt large, tall (over 6 ft 2) and was sturdy, not especially heavy, and yet not slim either. He had kind green eyes, with yellow flecks in them, shiny and loving. His eyes were the same color as mine. His smile was almost always there and he swept me up in his protective arms, making me feel safe, warm and loved.

I was a widow when this vision came in full force. I knew there was to be 3 men in my life. My first husband brought me the children and parenting experience I had craved, even though it was washed in fraught with challenge, and ultimately washed away as though it had happened to someone I knew well.

Then there was my father from another lifetime, who came in as the husband who never fully grew up. He was kind, gentle and generous toward me. I stepped into my own life like never before, studying to be a massage therapist and a fully trained Cordon Bleu chef. I wished to be qualified in this World and with my degree, I was qualified in any kitchen.

I loved learning all the cookery techniques, recipes and the creative ideas. I could almost cook anything on most menus I’d ever eaten out at. I loved playing in the food, and became very adept at certain foods. I really loved it. It was more than a wish, it was a dream that came true, and one that I didn’t even know I had.

Over the years it became my wish to experience different aspects of life, learning something new every single year. I particularly focused on the spiritual lanes of study, enjoying every moment. To this day, I am now entering my Masters Degree to my school of study, and then will complete with my PhD in Metaphysical studies. I haven’t done this for ego projection, it’s been for my own interest and great joy.

The best of the growth and stretching of my wishes becoming true, is that I am happily with the partner of my dreams. I met the man in my visions. He turned to face me, and is beside me for the rest of time. It took us a while to get our act together, and now we share the same visions, wish under the same star and are living in harmony together as best friends, amazing lovers and extraordinary partners.

My wishes came true and continually inspire and delight me. I wish the best for you my darling reader. If you're not experiencing this, change it now, and go start afresh, living your best life of wishes and dreams being met.

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Love & Blessings,


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