Abundance Really Does Exist - A Spiritual Story

We all have some understanding of the fact that abundance really does exist, yet it’s been a common Global practice to potentially imagine it’s not necessarily a personal truth. On top of that, we imagine that abundance is only related to money and financial wealth. This isn’t the only abundance that exists on this realm of earth, and it would be limiting in thought if we considered abundance to be only wealth centered.

In over 30 years of being a holistic healer, guiding and leading others to their best lives, I’ve learned so much about what creates an abundant reality and what doesn’t.

In this story I will share a wonderful example of how this has shown up.

At one of my quite public healing centers, I spoke to a young woman, Dee, who lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She enjoyed her phone session with me and all her guides so much, that she invited me to come and visit her with Dee’s very sick special partner there. I hadn’t met her, never saw her face, and trusted it was a good idea to go and visit her, and my mother had not visited that part of the World, so it felt like a great idea to take her to experience new land and visit this young woman at the same time.

My mum was so childlike in her excitement to visit New Mexico, while I had all the practical planning to do. Her joy was quite catchy however, and by the time I had booked our plane, rental car, and a foot spa for her, massage for me, I was quickly joining her happy train of thought. We sat on a gentle flight from California to New Mexico, where we landed and easily rented our car for the 3 day visit. I only had the address of Dee’s work, no other information, or even knowing what she looked like. This was trust indeed.

We drove up to the main little shopping center and as we reached a street close to the little shop she worked in and managed. I stopped the car to check where the shop was, and saw a woman walking. I was told it was Dee. I stepped out of the car, calling Dee’s name quite boldly. The woman turned and responded immediately, turning to face me with a smile. We both knew who each other was. My mum laughed out loud, telling me how she loved the insights and how they worked like magic.

We then followed Dee to the house we were due to stay at, and we needed her navigation as the home wasn’t on any of the maps. We drove out to an agricultural area and what felt like in the middle of nowhere, there stood an adobe style, red clay, large round home. It was simple and unassuming, yet when you stepped inside it was absolutely breathtaking. There was a round meditation room, with white walls, built in seating and large white cushions. The floors were a multi-dimensional design, created with a resin, set up with radiant heat. I couldn’t walk around without staring deeply into the floor, drawn in by its imaginative design, that made me feel as though I was almost mentally disappearing into and through the floor. The whole home was just outstanding.

The kitchen was one of the best, unusually round shaped, fully equipped culinary kitchens I’ve ever seen. It was like being on a wonderful cooking show. Within moments of meeting with the owner, I realized that although he had generated a very abundant, wealthy reality, with a home almost completely paid off, he was insecure and wildly afraid of losing everything he had gained. He and his brother raised their great abundance from illegal means, and the brother was serving another 2 years in prison, while he was holding his own, creating a more legal lifestyle on the outside of his brother’s reality. He wasn’t at all secure or confident in what he had already created. While he lived in very abundant circumstance, he still didn’t yet live in emotional or mental abundance. He was nervous, unhappy and anxious all the time, and as a result couldn’t enjoy or wouldn’t allow himself to enjoy or appreciate the positive life he was standing in.

As a result of not being at ease, he had instead created dis-ease, and his body was hurting, filled with cancer. He was visiting doctors, receiving radiation, taking in CBD and more, yet he wasn’t doing well at all. My hands burned with the desire to be in service to him, and the healing came through, to buy him more time, yet I knew he wasn’t due to be in this World for much longer. It was almost time for him to go. The work bought him more time, and generated more peace. That’s all I was allowed or able to do for him. What he was able to do for me was in the form of learning so much, was that he illustrated that abundance is an attitude as much as it is a reality, and with enough of an attitude, the reality inevitably follows.

Someone with very little can be more abundant than someone with a whole bunch. An abundant attitude is everything.

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Love & Blessings,
