Worthy - A Spiritual Story

Being worthy is such a wonderful way to feel. It’s important for our well being and confidence.

We don’t have to work or earn being worthy.

It’s already ours.

If we each traveled trillions and more light years to get here on this crazy earth plane, then we already earned the right to be worth being here.

Now, how we show up is a whole other subject.

I was invited to visit with a long time, dear male client of mine and an amazingly young, insightful woman who was working with him and his partner, helping to farm their weed on the land.

I only stayed a little under a week and the partner of my dear friend was quite threatened by my presence, and pretty rude and unkind toward me, especially when no-one else was around.

I decided it was time to go, and as my last night approached, they were all going out to dinner. I told the sweet weed picker woman I had befriended that I wouldn’t join her employers, and could she instead bring me a little box of food, while I packed my car.

The partner who owned the land heard about this and knocked on the door, officially inviting me.

I honestly stood in front of her and let her know who were we kidding. I let her know that she didn’t want me to grace her table with my presence and I’d prefer to be authentic, pack my car and leave by the next day.

She completely surprised me by bursting in tears with a whole story of loss and challenge that had nothing to do with me.

The story had allowed her to let it out on me and I wasn’t interested.

Thank goodness I’d done enough personal work to not take any of it on as mine in any way at all.

That doesn’t mean it was enjoyable to be around though.

She was much nicer through her tears, and almost begged me with her apologies, to come join them at the table for dinner.

We hugged and I did join them for a sweet evening, filled with a lighter space that everyone felt.

We left and I completed packing with a calm sense of my own self worth.

I also hugged everyone the next morning when I left feeling that my circle with that time and that land was complete.

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Love & Blessings,


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