Very Special - A Spiritual Story

I do feel that each of us is so very special and that there’s only one quite like us in the whole Universe. This is something I say all the time with clients, to remind them that they cannot compare themselves with anyone else ever.

I have so many stories of confirmation of extraordinary people that have fortunately crossed my path, and touched my heart.

This is one of my high points……………..

There was a point in time when a sweet Grandmother brought her grand-daughter to me for a reading. The grandma was a dear client of mine and she’d been waiting for the chance to bring this amazing little spirit to spend time with me.

She told me nothing about her, until the young 11 year old stepped in with the grandma, using sign language to her grandma, as she sat down.

The young girl was beautiful, with an open trusting face and a huge spirit.

She could not hear at all and spoke with a certain degree of difficulty, yet her eyes were so clear, sparkly and ocean blue. You could tell that she could see more than what life presented in the material realm. You could immediately see that she had wisdom way beyond her years.

I liked her straight away.

I was asked to let her know that she had gifts and that these were normal and in fact part of her mission here on this plane was to share them as she grew older.

The guidance I received was to let her know that her grandmother was going to remain a very safe place for her to speak her truth, even though she could not speak it at home at all.

She was being raised in a very conservative, church bound family who would not let her speak aloud or use any of her clairvoyant or spiritual gifts with anyone else. They would not allow it and didn’t wish to hear about what she could see, hear or feel.

However, I shared with her that I was being informed that this was a very gifted young girl, who was bursting at the seams with the wisdom and the spiritual understanding of all she deeply knew.

There were steps needed to keep her open in spite of a closed door policy in her home.

She needed to write all her wisdom, and hold her journals and notes with her grandmother for safe keeping until she was old enough to take them back.

It was better for her not to open the subject or discuss anything with either of her parents, and yet hold a loving space for them to awaken to the fact that they had a very special being in their midst.

Most important of all, was for her to realize that there wasn’t anything wrong with her. She wasn’t weird and her gifts were granted to her intentionally by the whole Universe because she had a special mission here on earth and would grow into it.

She was very special and simply needed to await the right timing to step all the way forward with her unique gifts.

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Love & Blessings,


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