Listen Within - A Spiritual Story

I love to listen and I’m curious enough to pay attention with the hope and faith that I can get it right. However, that’s not always the case and it’s great to note when I hear through my filter one thing, and quite another actually shows up………

I was living in Central coast California with my new husband, children, mother and a puppy golden retriever. It was very sweet in that home with the nucleus we held at the time.

Of course life changes and moves forward, and sometimes you cherish some of the sweeter moments to help balance the slightly more challenging ones that show up over a lifetime.

That ranch style property was placed squarely in wine and horse country, north of Santa Barbara. It had three properties on it and an established orchard as well as olive trees that dropped black olives all over the cement, both beautiful and messy at the same time.

So much change happened while living in that ranch home.

One day I was working with a great student who had easily become as much of a mentor and dear friend to me as I know I was to her. She worked on me and I on her with enriched bodywork that included spiritual enlightened moments. We shared so much together that went beyond, way beyond the “normal” to a greater state of awareness.

I was meditating one day after she had worked on me, and I saw my Guides in those warm winter lined wooly hats that hung over the ears like dogs with floppy ears. They were standing outside of my healing studio, smiling at me, jumping up and down cold and happy.

We had a trip planned as a family to Chicago, and with that vision, I warned everyone to pack warm clothes.

We arrived in the Chicago area to a warm flow that was unheard of for the end of September. We actually had to go and buy thin clothes and kept our cases filled with clothes we honestly didn’t need.

I felt silly and scratched my head, did I not listen? How did they show themselves so clearly and yet I got it so very wrong.

Well………timelines are more than interesting from the Spiritual Realm to ours. A very different truth appears.

Within a week, we had a snow day like none seen for hundreds of years. Photos were taken, the post office and businesses were closed. My husband drove his usual 90 minutes to work and didn’t get even 30 minutes down the road before he bruised a deer that ran into the road, and shaken, he came back home.

The guides all stood outside fully giggling at me that day.

They also sent a young woman to receive healing that was a profound session that couldn’t have occurred if we weren’t both home that day.

When it’s so warm and delightful, it doesn’t matter anymore what interpretation I got wrong. It only matters that understanding came when it was most needed at the right time for the right reason.

I love to listen within and I am willing to interpret it wrong and get it right eventually.

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Love & Blessings,


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