Connecting - A Spiritual Story

I love how sometimes a seemingly superficial connection shifts and becomes more important, deeper in substance.

For many years, so many of you have shared special time with me. Thank you so much for trusting me with your life, loved ones, challenges and triumphs.

The work and it’s value in my life purpose has always been of huge significance in this wonderful and crazy life.

I have often felt the joy, tears, concerns and all the sensations between of the roller coaster ride we are each on.

I wouldn’t miss it for the World.

I came here to do this and it’s an honor that each of you allows me the opportunity to reach you as you reach me.

When I think of connection, it makes me consider communicating and sharing my truth, how, when and with who.

In our World there have been several shades of separation from one another and connecting removes the layers of this, to reveal both our differences and our similarities.

When we seek guidance, hopefully it’s to be given a different view from the one we often see behind our own eyes. It doesn’t have to be better or worse, simply a new view we may not have had before. This can be helpful to allow us to stay open, be more curious and find new and exciting pathways to life experiences we hadn’t perhaps imagined before. The more we challenge ourselves to explore this life adventure, the more we can stretch toward our potential.

Many years ago there was a very tall, nerdy guy who was doing some computer work for my healing center. He was efficient and matter-of-fact. He dropped off invoices for work done and then I looked at improvements he had made to the digital side of my healing center, sending him any changes, questions or improvements. It was a relationship that sat in the superficial tone of a working life.

One day he shifted everything.

He walked in and asked politely if I had a few moments to discuss something. This was a first with him and I had a fairly good window between clients and running a business. Of course I had time, as I nodded, showing him into a treatment room.  He sat down and asked me if I wouldn’t mind letting him know how working with him felt for me.

He asked if I enjoyed his work.

He enquired if I felt he was supporting my business and my vision for success.

He asked me if he was easy to deal with, a pleasure to work with.

He flat out asked if there was something, anything I would change.

It was a brilliant set of questions. I was totally impressed with how he cared about how he was showing up in my World from his nerdy one. I loved that he chose to intentionally connect.

I took his typed questions, promising to answer them honestly in a way to help him be a better support system for his businesses he had learned to care about.

He left and I felt enormous respect and gratitude for his deliberate connection.

In that marvelous contrast life has to offer, the next person to walk in, was an advertiser, who one of my former less than integral therapists, who had taken product and clients from the healing center, had spent time and money with.  

She came unannounced and slightly arrogant, expecting me to drop anything I had planned and make time with her.

She let me know that I would be making a huge mistake if I didn’t spend time and money with her and that her relationship with the therapist that had left in a sketchy manner, had nothing to do with us doing business.

She made it clear that for her who she worked with wasn’t personal - it was just business.

I thanked her for considering me when she was so important and let her know I wasn’t ready to separate personal and business.

I told her that to me, life was all about both, and they were connected.

If any aspect of life wasn’t personal to me then I was missing from my own life.

She left scratching her head and I smiled to myself, knowing that everything deserved to be connected and personal.

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Love & Blessings,


Get personal with your Angels!!
Connect with me and see what they have to say!!