Fun, Creative and Optimistic - A Spiritual Story

Being fun, producing a creative slant on life, and standing in an optimistic landscape matters greatly in this life.

This story is connected to one of my greatest loves - my mum.

My mum taught me so much about optimism and I hope I helped her to have more fun when I was around her. She was a creative force in my life and I will miss her on this earth plane every single day, some days more than others……

My mum had experienced what could have been described as devastating surgery. She lost an eye and her whole upper pallet to a large cancerous tumor that was placed behind her nasal cavity. In order to remove it the surgeon left a massive hole where her eye had been and she had a false upper mouth, grafted from her leg. It was such a drastic change in her life, her face and her sense of herself. I’m not sure how she coped with it and was more than impressed that she did such a great job. She was a disabled driver, she had eye patches to match every outfit, she went back to work as my receptionist and book keeper, and she went to senior events to stay social. She was truly amazing and my hero.

I loved her more than ever for all that she had to deal with.

She returned to an art class for seniors she had attended before the surgery, that she so loved.

One day she asked me to go with her.

It was an unusual request and I never liked to say no, so I drove us there.

The class was quite full and within a short period of time, I realized why she’d taken me there. The art teacher wouldn't come to her table to help her. She wouldn’t look at my mum and had her favorite students she liked to help. Mum wasn’t one of them.

I asked mum if this was normal.

She nodded and told me she thought she was being over-sensitive, and had invited me to see if there were prejudices being played out.

I told my mum she deserved a better teacher and a wonderful experience, and this wasn’t it.

We packed up and left.

The teacher came after us, asking why we’d left.

I told her that she didn’t really want to know and best that we simply left the class.

The teacher insisted on knowing.

I then stood my ground and let her know that she’d repeatedly ignored my mum requesting her help. She wouldn’t look at her and didn’t want to help her. She was switched off by what had happened to my mum’s face and that her leadership and teaching was prejudiced and unfair.

The teacher was shocked and began to deny it.

I let her know we weren’t going to report her or file any grievance. She was answerable to a higher power and they were terribly disappointed in her unkindness.

We left her with her mouth open.

When we sat in the car, I apologized to my mum for fighting a battle she may not have wanted me to get involved in.

My mum took my hand and thanked me for being her champion.

She knew she was being ignored and wasn’t sure whether to try and continue to paint in that class because she loved the art, or find a class where the people were nicer.

Soon after she returned to the UK, my mum’s creative urge found her a new class.

Her new art teacher had some health issues.

He was a lovely man who gave her his utmost attention.

He walked with a cane, and his words slurred from a stroke. Kindness is stronger from knowing, and care to expand our approach in an optimistic way is helped along by understanding where we have been, with love more than fear.

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Love & Blessings,


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