Special and Unique - A Spiritual Story

I love how special and unique the people are, who feel drawn to the work that flows through me.

Some of their stories have deeply touched me, while others have inspired me, and changed me for the better.

The story I’m about to share is more different than any other, which certainly keeps my interest.

I was living in the outskirt communities of Los Angeles, providing healing, energy work and readings to a diverse population. The creative souls that found me were fascinating. I worked with producers, directors, actors, writers and artists of all shapes and sizes. Some were established, recognized and known, while others were working in the background, behind the scenes or were struggling to establish themselves in their own specialty.

All were unique, waving their wand of their own magic.

One actress had just landed a very good role after a profound session, that moved energy so that she could feel her strength of character. She referred a dear friend to me, a fellow actor.

A tentative, good looking, dark curly haired, young man came shuffling in to see me at my healing center, in an almost apologetic manner. His head was down and his eyes could barely meet mine. When we sat down to discuss his needs with our session, it became clear that he felt he wasn’t consistent and needed to change this truth. Strangely enough he had accomplished a certain degree of success, because he explained that so often when he stepped onto a stage to audition, he came alive. He just didn’t do it all the time.

He wanted to feel safe with me, as he had something he wasn’t comfortable with.

He let me know he had a secret that he didn’t share with almost anyone else. I held a space with respect and a great deal of curiosity about what he wanted to tell me.

He proceeded to remove a male puppet from his backpack.  The puppet looked exactly like the actor sitting on the chair in front of me. The actor had experienced real trauma in his life and the puppet was quite possibly the only safe representation to have around him all the time. That puppet was family, his brother, a version of his pure self that he could depend on no matter what.

We worked together with him laying on the massage table and holding the puppet in his arms, outside of his own humanity. He began to acknowledge what his needs were and how to meet them with the confidence that he was capable of anything.

We revisited the days when his auditions brought his special and unique talents to the stage, so that he could clearly see when he drew his dreams to reality. He was able to see when he was most seen by others. He was able to acknowledge when he was most acknowledged by the people who had the ability to hire him.

He was able to hear his own talents being heard.

When he left my room, I could see he was standing taller, he looked me squarely in the eye. He wasn’t hiding behind his puppet or anything else.

He was standing in his true self and was very happy to be him.

It didn’t matter if the World saw his unique and special self.

It only mattered that he did.

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Love & Blessings,


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