Shiny and New - A Spiritual Story

This subject matter is so close to my heart and soul on every level.

When I consider shiny and new, I imagine new beginnings and creating, sometimes as a phoenix rises from the ashes.

Never is this more profound than rebirthing a new relationship with ourselves while releasing a dear one we have loved, and have no choice but to now let go of.

This time in the calendar marks a year since my beloved mum passed from this plane of existence.

I love her forever and miss her every day.

She was one of my huge physical cheerleaders in anything I did, in all I wanted to do and anywhere I had been.

There was nobody like her.

For me, she was worth every ounce of my heart.

From the ashes of her physical loss, came a deepening of a relationship with my gorgeous, adult daughter. She is a professional woman, making a difference every day with her life mission. She reached out to me, wanting to deepen our connection in a new and shiny way.

All I had to do was say “Yes” to the hand held out in love toward me.

As well as her, I met this darling man who has stood beside me through a most interesting time in our planetary evolution here on earth.

He has shown himself to be my twin flame, a deeper love than I could have imagined.

In the midst of such great loss, a wonderful happiness has emerged.

I step into this phase of life ( a slightly late bloomer) with love and happiness written all over me.

All I had to do was hold a vision of willingness.

I decided and affirmed in that I deserved to be “outrageously happy” and I can honestly say that this is a reality for me.

Loss is a part of life.

In fact, there are more goodbyes than hellos over a period of a lifetime.

We say goodbye to being an infant.

We wave goodbye to being a toddler.

We say farewell to our school years.

We complete college or a higher education or trade.

We move jobs, change homes, seek out new and exciting relationships, friends and communities.

Life will keep us moving until we choose intentionally to slow it or stop it altogether.

Movement is life.

Goodbyes are the part that ends, so that movement can keep us ready to birth and rebirth shiny and new beginnings.

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Love & Blessings,


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