Heart, Mind, Spirit - A Spiritual Story


This month is the one year anniversary of my dear mum’s passing. I miss her physically every single day, sometimes with a smile and sometimes with tears. The more lighthearted I am, the more connected to her I feel.

I spent most of 2019 with my darling mum and only left at the end of October to gently make my way to Maui, Hawaii, where the possibility of love was waiting for me. I shipped my boxes to Maui. Then I was free to play. First stop was in London with a gifted friend, then onto Portugal and saw a real view of a new part of the World, while staying with a client who had become a dear soul in my life. I arrived in Maui, welcomed with open arms by a man who would quickly become known to me as my twin flame.


I spoke with my beloved mum almost every day, and she tried to call me, with no service on the day she would never phone me on her computer again. I only heard her trying to say “hello” and then the next call was later that night from my niece, telling me she had gone.

I so often say to people that there are more goodbye’s in life than hello’s and my mum’s last word to me was “hello.”  How ironic that my special person left me with a hello rather than a goodbye.

I flew to the UK via Los Angeles, where a really lovely connection was deeply formed with my beautiful daughter, who is one of the most profound women I could know. I stayed there a night, and she pulled out all the stops to make me feel loved and welcomed.

Then it was my mum’s funeral. One brother wouldn’t let me into her home, to sort and retrieve her precious items that I would treasure for my life, until after her funeral, while the other behaved appallingly, not speaking to anyone.

A long lost cousin wandered around with me, being truly delightful, and my sister was extraordinary. I found the  women in my life were the best while the brothers were the worst. Still, I completed what was needed and took treasures home to Maui, via my daughter’s home, filled with warmth and kindness. I landed to the open arms of my partner Jeff and a life we had just begun to step into. People were wearing masks and something strange was going on.

As “Covid" hit, my partner’s landlord decided it was time for him to vacate. We knew we had rights  (and I had just moved to be with him on the 20th of November). Regardless of my spiritual faith, we were living in a slightly hostile environment, with internet deliberately closed off and threats sent via email. It was a bit shameful, as we both found ourselves quite unemployed. I must admit I did panic, and had begun to consider where we could go.

I set up a viewing of a beach cottage that Jeff and I would go see together. As soon as we drove up, we knew. The number of the cottage was 1110 - my mum’s Birthday was October 11 and that’s how the date would have been written in the UK. She hadn’t been gone long and yet it felt like her hand was on our lives, guiding and loving our next move. We both fell completely in love with the cottage and waited a while to be the chosen tenants. We have beaches on either side of us, a deck we sit and eat on, and a little charming group of cottages around us that are filled with darling people.

When my mind, body and spirit is in alignment with the Higher Divine and not in my lower vibrations of any grief or loss, I am in contact with my mum and all the precious beings of Light. In that place, all is well. Life is amazing and magic happens almost everywhere. I just need to be in that alignment.

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Love & Blessings,


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