Kindness - A Spiritual Story

When I first sat down to write about kindness, I must admit I was very challenged. I found myself being able to discuss at length the unkindness in my Worldly reality, and that made me feel really sad. Then I sat longer and chose to instead seek the kindness I know exists in me, my life and my World. I was drawn immediately to my loving and kind relationship with my mum. For me, she was always kind. She showed me loving patience in every turn. There were times I wasn’t patient with her, and she would smile at me and it melted my impatience every time.


I know what love is because of her
and I have a deep
understanding of kindness
due to her behavior toward me.

When I had a crazy plan, she got behind me. When I had a wonderful idea to bake cakes, or make something fabulous, not only did she join me, sometimes I bailed on her and she completed the task.

Last year her greatest wish was to make cakes for all her neighbors and friends, and her physical body wouldn’t allow it, so she sat in her kitchen and bossed me around with love and laughter, while I baked her cake recipes.

We made honey cakes, which represented a “sweet year” and we made fruit cakes for the upcoming holiday season. I loved it because people were going to stop by and see her, to pick up their cakes, in my absence.

That day in the kitchen was stunning. We laughed, tasted her cake, packaged them and listened to the radio in the background. It was a very special day of kindness shared between us and she was so happy to gift the people she cared about with homemade cakes from her kitchen.

I loved her kindness and that one of her biggest goals was to give her baking goodies to others when she could barely walk. She still considered the happiness she would cause others as a result of her kindness.

I am constantly modeling my kindness and patience on hers. I honestly fall down a whole bunch and keep getting up, to remind myself of who she was and how she showed up. There was a gentle heart in her and it was often underestimated as weakness. There were many times when I witnessed a lack of respect due to her soft approach, and because she sat quiet in groups of people, it was assumed she wasn’t bright or smart. Actually, she listened really well, was well read and unassuming. I knew her brilliance and how kind she was. I am delighted I knew.

I hope you know who the kind ones are. I wish that for all of us, and perhaps each other’s best qualities can rub off on each of us.

My mum’s best qualities have definitely rubbed off on me and I thankfully won’t be the same because of her kind influence. It’s great to be loved and to know love and kindness.

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Love & Blessings,

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