Wealthy - A Spiritual Story


Wealthy is such an interesting word. It conjures up images of palatial homes, lifestyles of the rich and famous, large boating vessels of luxury, outrageous trips to far away lands, fast, sleek cars and elegant parties, with uniformed support. We are shown these images in movies, have imagined them as they are described in books, and witnessed them in many of the pivotal leadership roles of people in our societies. Did we get this right? Is the distribution of wealth and excellence attainable and honest? It’s a huge topic that’s not only subjective, it’s also based on our own experiences.

Wealth described so far is all material and relatable in our slightly limited societal view, yet there are many areas of wealth that come under the category.

There is a wealth of happiness experienced in many cases by simple people, with very little material goods to surround themselves with. There are people who live a very long time with a wealth of excellent health, who continue to dance, play and have fun at heightened ages of life.

I have witnessed so many versions of wealth and lived within the walls of many of them too.

I saw some family with great privilege behaving in strange, hoarding fashion, while others who had so little were so generous to share quickly and easily and I’ve seen the same reversed.

It occurs to me that who we are and can be is magnified by what we have.


Once on a phone session I had a referral to a man I had never spoken with, who was based on the other side of the country from where I was, on the East Coast at the time. I asked him if I could simply flow or if he had any specific questions for me, or any areas he wanted to discuss first. He let me know I was highly recommended and wanted to see where the Guidance went.

I tuned in and began to flow with metaphors and descriptions that didn’t make sense to me, and I hoped made more sense to him. I saw him in a supermarket pushing a slightly dirty shopping cart, with rotting fruit and vegetables within it. He was pushing it around, wishing he could start fresh. I urged him to leave that cart and go find a new, shiny one and only pick beautiful produce with clarity and confidence. I felt he had all the talent, and the old cart was him choosing a tough path from the past, instead of the new shiny path of the near future, that could begin right now as soon as he made the decision to move forward. The reading was detailed and specific for him.

When the flow of talking was complete, I stopped and asked him if he understood the guidance that had just been handed to him. There was a huge silence. I thought I’d lost him on the call and had been talking to myself. I panicked, asking him a couple of times if he was there. Finally a slightly weepy guy responded. He told me I was amazing. I got chills immediately.

He let me know he was a fresh produce professional Internationally known chef. He wanted to remain anonymous, and had given me a pseudonym, so that I wouldn’t recognize him. His personal life had been rotten and tough, and he was struggling with what to do with it. Really, he knew what to do and just needed to give himself permission and confidence to focus on his life ahead, leaving past hurts and some cruel family behavior in the past. He was so delighted with the reading that he sent me a whole army of people who could benefit from the work.

I loved the confirmation and once again realized that no matter what someone has, or how much, we all have challenges to overcome during our lifetimes.

Struggle is struggle no matter how fancy the packaging of it. True wealth is being able and willing to pull yourself out of struggle and into ease. I wish this wealth for all of us.


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