A Story of Self-Love

Over the more than 28 years of ever increasing spiritual work, I have so often sold the idea of self-love, even while at times, not entirely falling in love with myself. As each year passes, I realize more and more how important falling in love with ourselves is. It’s actually one of our biggest life purposes here on earth. We are simply either in love or we are in fear. Love is always going to be best!

To illustrate this important topic, of course I have a spiritual story to share with you……………..

While in the UK, I earned the opportunity to provide healing in a sweet small beauty salon. At first the clients came to me tentatively, as referral family and clients from the cosmetologists that worked there. A husband was sent to me by his wife who was a regular of the cosmetologists.

I met this burly guy, who although slightly embarrassed to be even be seen in a “girly salon,” followed me into my room for his massage. He was clear that he was desperate and willing to try just about anything. His Dr had told him he had worsening arthritis and was going to have to hang up his golf clubs forever. He mentioned that between us, he loved golf more than his wife, who was his teenage sweetheart, he had children and grandchildren with.

I left the room, calling in all the Angels and Guides to help me make a difference.

I began working on his body, massaging while being shown very clear pictures of him lifting boxes on his prominent right side. His hip, thigh, arm, shoulder all the way up to his neck and down to his calves. No wonder he couldn’t play golf or swing the club, especially on his right side, which was completely involved in stiff joints, tight locked muscles and rigid movements as a result.

I also saw him around lots of fruit and vegetables, yet he was eating greasy bacon in heavily buttered bread rolls. While I worked, beating him up a bit in a good, therapeutic ouch kind of way, I shared all I was seeing, because it was for him and I didn’t pretend to fully understand what I was remote viewing. I kept working while showing him a greater alternative lifestyle. He was eating the produce he was carrying every day, munching on fresh apples and vegetables, more salad and at least twice a week, preferably three days a week, he would start the day with fresh melon on its own. This would help move his digestive tract and keep his limbs more flexible.

I saw him moving and stretching his left side daily, to balance the overworking of his right side.

I told him that if he did all that was suggested, while coming to me for a few more weeks, his body would thank him and he would feel so much better.

I left the room while he dressed.  When I returned he asked me how I knew so much about him, and I told him the Angels knew and loved him better than he had allowed him to know and love himself.

He then informed me that he was a “green grocer” which means that he was a fruit and vegetable seller in the open markets, like the swap meets or farmer’s markets we so often have in America. He sold lovely fresh produce and then ate greasy junk food. He had two strapping sons in his lucrative trading business, and yet did all the heavy lifting and carrying himself.

It was time to make changes.

Two weeks passed before I saw him, he was lighter, already moving better. He happily let me know he was eating melon for breakfast 4 to 5 days out of 7 and was loving it. He had only allowed himself to eat greasy fast food once since his visit with me, and it didn’t sit as well with him. His sons were doing all the lifting and carrying and he was exercising with emphasis on the left side to balance the right. When I massaged him, I didn’t have to work so hard or deep. I still beat him up in a great therapeutic way, yet everything I did was way more effective.

By the next time I saw him yet again, another two weeks had passed, and he was leaner, stronger, with a huge smile on his face, much healthier and more vibrant. He told me he had fallen in love with his body, his life, and was on the golf course again.

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Love & Blessings,

 Get personal with your Angels!!
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