
Life holds a series of choices available to each of us every day in just about every way. Some choices we are extremely aware of, while others are more uncertain and even elusive.

We know we can choose what we wear, what we cook or eat, what we order up from shops or what we buy in the basic need category and yet………….

So often many of us feel our choices are stifled. Perhaps we feel trapped by a job, career, relationship, home or area we may be established in.

It’s important here as adults to take responsibility and remember everything ultimately is our responsibility and therefore our choice.

 Life can be exhausting and it’s easy to become so tired of responsibility and making choices and decisions about absolutely everything, that we hand over some of it to others. We partner someone else and then its their choices. We hold a job or career and then it’s their choices we are holding and not our own.

Quite a few of my healing sessions have honestly revolved around choices or at least the sense of what’s been missing for people. I have noticed that when individuals I’ve facilitated have felt like they had choice, they also felt more in control of their lives in profound ways.

I have had to remind myself that everything I think, feel, act on and physically participate in, is my choice and responsibility. Sometimes I don’t make the best choices for myself and have to own those too.

The choice to live is also ours. Some people never actually choose to live here on earth. They have made a half-hearted decision and never really show up. Some people stop choosing to be here at some point and some change their mind on either side of being here on earth or not. I’ve met many of these realities with myself and the people I have managed to reach out to.

I have a sweet story around choices to share with you………….

I had a really great young couple I worked with in Southern California. Mary and David had one little girl and were regulars at spiritual classes at the healing center I ran all the time.

I had never been to their home or met any of their family.

One day as I was preparing to close up after a full day at the center, the phone rang and showed Mary in the caller ID. I picked up immediately to a sheepish request that I go and do a healing massage on her pregnant body as she was ordered to bed rest by her doctor. I didn’t do a lot of outcalls as it was really hard work. You had to pack up a massage table, all the linens, lotions and potions you were going to use, and of course music and a speaker. It was tiring and if there were stairs and multiple treks, it was a lot of effort. I didn’t love outcalls because of this. I did love this family and was always going to say yes.

I arranged to go fairly early the next morning. I dropped everything off and parked. I walked into an open door and set up on the same level with no stairs. I was already happy about that.

As I set up, she chatted about the concerns she had with her pregnancy that had now stopped her firmly in her tracks. I left the room while she prepared herself sideways onto my table. I massaged, openly encouraging her to breathe beyond her fears, relax and invite this new life to blossom within her. She did such a great job, she actually snoozed a little.

Once we were complete, her body was ready and I left the room to wash my hands in the small bathroom close by. She sat, drinking water, while I packed up completely. She asked me if I’d seen the baby she was blossoming. I told her I saw a little girl with curls and a huge personality. She laughed and told me I was describing the little girl she already had. As I was leaving I saw photos on the wall behind the entrance door, and the little girl was exactly who I had been seeing in my visions. She was instantly concerned that I wasn’t seeing the baby she was carrying.

I told Mary not to worry, as it could mean that her little girl was such a big character, she stood way stronger than the little person yet to arrive. It didn’t necessarily mean there was a problem.

Several months passed and as I was leaving the healing center the phone rang. A very tearful Mary was on the other end. Their now 3 month old baby was taken into hospital and wasn’t breathing without a lot of help. She asked if I would come and see if I could change the circumstances. She was desperate.

I haven’t been a great lover of stepping into a hospital mostly due to the illnesses and big physical challenges my sweet mother and husband both experienced. Still, I immediately agreed to meet her in the lobby at a set time early evening.

We met and she tearfully walked me to the intensive care unit. We didn’t speak of what we were going to do, there was no real plan between us. Suddenly we were drawing the curtain around the large bed with her tiny little girl, lost in the middle of it all, was hooked up to wires and breathing apparatus. We each removed shoes and I invited her to gently place hands on her little girls chest and lungs, while I wrapped my arms around hers and placed my hands on her hands. I began breathing deeply and loudly. She followed. We created a cycle of breath. Her daughter joined in. Soon we were all breathing large, deep, intense breaths. While this was happening, I was having a spirit to spirit conversation with her daughter. She told me she hadn’t decided if she wanted to be here. She wasn’t sure she could face a life here on earth.

I openly let her know that this of course was her choice, although there were pajama parties, bouncing on beds, laughing with her sister, ice cream flavors to try and boys to kiss one day. I think the ice cream and fun with her sister did it. There was a defining physical breath and I could feel her stepping into her body. She almost jumped all the way in. The breathing became solid and strong. A decision had been made and a choice executed. We completed and stepped away. She was breathing well. Within a 24 hour period she was off the machines and within 3 days she was home. She is now in her early 20’s.

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Love & Blessings,

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