Creating a BLISS Bubble

Q: “You may ask what it means to create a bliss bubble and do you really need that?”

A: The truth is, one of the highest and greatest levels of happiness is the point of bliss. Life has to be better when living at a heightened place of happy.

“How do you get there from here?”

First priority is that you choose to be way more present in the now. When you live in the past, it means you are holding on, which causes more pain than letting go, and it definitely prevents you from being present in the now.

Being in comfort is a big deal in creating the bliss bubble. What does comfort look like for you?

Comfort is different for each of us, as it’s such an individual part of life. Here are some of my bliss bubbles, to inspire you to find yours……….


For me, a comfortable bed, comfortable seating and being comfortable within my body are hugely important aspects of generating bliss.

I love being comfortable when I travel, in a car, with soft cushions to balance my chair and cup holders so I can drink water or hot tea and coffee.  I love plugging in my music so I can sing out loud in the car and sing big on the inside when traveling on public transport.


I am such a foodie…….having a full fridge with lots of food options, including yummy snacks, some of them very homemade, makes me really happy. I feel so wealthy when my fridge is full and I know no matter what happens, I can definitely always eat. This article could be on this subject alone, because I love food and wonderful juices and drinking coffee so much.


I adore honest communication. My lovely man, life partner, is a fabulous communicator, and even when he falls down on the job, he is awake enough to realize it (sometimes I have to give him a while to figure it out) and then he comes back to me, with loving communication about everything and anything. He is always checking his integrity so that he stays honest, even with himself. I have noticed that I can be real and honest with myself and with him as a result of how we keep setting it up. We talk about everything all the time. We generally don’t talk about anyone else, unless they are part of our reality and we need to talk something out to understand how it’s affecting our bubble.


Let me tell you, that’s almost everyone. The only people always in our bliss bubble are us, and invitations are sent out to a very small contingent of special people. It is intentional that we deliberately include these sweet beings on a consistent basis. There are times that someone from the outside has a detrimental impact on our bubble and we have to sort it out and clear it. We have realized we cannot take too long to sort and clear, or it can begin to burst our bubble and that is completely unacceptable and no fun at all.


Moving makes me happy, especially dancing. I love to dance around a room, bounce on our rebounder, walk and swim on the beach, and go for a good walk around a favorite store, doing retail therapy (even if I don’t buy anything) just for the stimulation of looking at pretty things and imagining what I would do with them. Swinging in the hammock at sunset brings me great joy. I love the gentle yoga, heart pumping zumba and deliberate dance exercise. It’s all good and puts a big smile on my face every time.


This is one of the best and most important aspects of our bliss bubble and we find things to laugh at every day, sometimes almost all day long. My best days are the ones that keep me giggling. It helps that both my man and I are really funny, and we’re very good at bringing the funny out in each other.



We are here to love and be loved. We could always do a better job at this. To love who we are, what we do with our precious finite time in these bodies, here on earth, is so important.

It’s easy to waste time on that which doesn’t matter at all. Time spent in the love space is time worthwhile.  I personally choose to be more in love than any other emotion. It’s so much warmer and fuzzier.

 In conclusion, the 7 aspects of the Bliss bubble are worth exploring. I hope this article makes you smile and inspires you to practice any of these. Let us know anything you are doing that’s fabulous and we will add it to our own bliss bubble………….

Love & Blissings,

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