Manifesting - How To’s

The word “manifesting” is such a buzz word and yet the ability to actually manifest heart desires in life has often eluded many people.

It certainly has eluded me at many times. I was often able to manifest that which didn’t matter, and not seem to be as well equipped to manifest the big stuff that I wanted so much.

 I have often wondered if the attachment or pressure connected to pushing towards the stuff we really want becomes the very reason that we actually push it all away.

I have honestly learned to care about what I want to create, without attachment to it.

 How does that actually work?

 The best way to practice using any energy with deliberation and inspiration, is to start with small every day manifestation and once one or two of them work, we can then move forward to larger, deliberate manifestations.

Every day, pick 1-3 areas you wish to manifest, create and make happen in reality. See which ones actually happen and how they show up, and this will give you several clues as to what worked and why.

Then continue to grow the creation of your life in a bigger way.

It also means trusting what shows up as deliberate and intentional and not just coincidence.

I am going to tell a really simple story of manifestation that illustrates mantras and intention in a strong way………

I was on my twice a day walk with my sweet Golden Retriever dog, and had eaten a slightly larger, heavier meal the night before.

I was feeling every step, with a physical body that felt less than light.  I decided to use a mantra as a test to see if it could work. I began saying to myself “I am skinny, I am skinny, I am skinny.” The dog looked convinced I was actually skinny.

I drove to my healing center and had two regular clients booked for their sessions that morning. The first one walked in and stated immediately and out loud that I looked skinny. She used the exact words I had played with. The next client was a young man who walked in and apologized if he seemed rude, as he wanted to share with me that I seemed skinny to him.

I knew then that a strongly spoken out loud intention with enough energy behind it, sent out a powerful signal from our frequency, that left the World no choice than to confirm what we were emitting. It was a massive confirmation about how manifesting works.

I’m still working on manifestation and perfecting it. It’s still working quite well and it gets better and more valid with every deliberate practice on my part.

 Best wishes in manfesting……………. Let us know what works for you and share in the comments section below!! We love to share our successes with our community of like minds……….


 Get personal with your Angels!!
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