Why are Timelines so Important
Me Straddling the International Timeline… Metaphor? Perhaps!
In every person’s life there are
timelines that shape our lives.
What does that mean?
Timelines are periods in time in society that have certain character traits, personality, with rules, defining moments, historic pages and chapters that have had a basis for shaping society, and more. Some timelines are societal, spiritually, familial, and even from community to community.
Each family has timelines that carry forward through generations. Some of those can be very helpful and some can be detrimental and worth challenging, even changing. I will explain with examples.
I am currently in Maui, Hawaii. There have been some defining passages of time here on the island. There was a time when the islands were more occupied by Hawaiians than other nations and cultures. At some point religious missionaries came and changed the mindset of the people, inspiring, encouraging for right or wrong reasons. Many of the origins and traditions of the island halted it’s behaviors and local wisdom was to a large degree stunted by conformity and pressure. The next few generations didn’t practice their traditions, chanting, hands on natural healing and plant remedies. This is a strong timeline change in the fabric of life that impacted the island, communities and especially within families. This is one example of many throughout the World, where pressure from authority has shut down local ways of living.
I feel that commenting on timelines is entirely appropriate in the year of 2020 that we are traveling rapidly toward the half way mark of the year in.
Here we are lining up to step into stores, wearing masks and gloves and being very wary and mistrustful of each other. There is a shutting down of our lifestyle across the World currently like never before. It’s happened throughout our history on local levels, and now is Global. The figures are inaccurate and confusing about illness and death. We have begun to not trust each other or anything else.
The best way for power hungry souls to control is to divide and conquer. This timeline is an ideal way for that to happen.
How can we take back our own power?
It does seem wise to take precautions and only meet in small numbers, yet we have the internet and many digital ways to remain connected without causing any concern for health. We need to keep informing each other of Higher Truths and remember to be loving and connected as opposed to judgmental and disconnected.
We do have control over the timeline we can create with ourselves and for each other every day. We can always be kinder, more connected and honest with each other, sharing needs and offering help to each other.
I hope your timeline is making history with you at the helm and not just dropping into a timeline created and generated by the World at large.
Timelines speak of birth, marriage, milestones, and of course death.
It’s so odd isn’t it? We are all here for a finite time across Universal timeline and yet we waste so much of it worrying, being less than generous to one another, threatened by perception, instead of demanding and communicating deeper truths.
I vote that 2020 becomes the year when we communicate with everyone including ourselves with greater depth and kinder truth. I am working on this as I write this article.
My advice to each person reading this!
Take a good, honest look at your personal timeline. Ask these questions:
What traits in your family have you taken on that you really like, and which ones would you like to lose that don’t work for you?
What are the characteristics of your local community that you like and which would you choose to not participate in? Can you opt out?
What can you do to be more connected to those around you? Have you developed a good tribe around you, that supports and cares for you and vice versa?
How would you like your earth to be better and what part are you playing in making it so?
Awareness and consistent self re-flexion is the best and perhaps the only way to become a greater version of ourselves daily.
I am asking these questions right now and working daily to answer and respond to them.
I owe it to myself and all those I say I care about. I am at the “prove it” point. We need to find a way to come together instead of becoming even more separated and it’s a choice, even with the social distancing.
Much love to all and I am feeling it.
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