Happy Spouse, Happy House!!

This little story with a big heart, is one of many I am delighted to share from the extensive years of experiencing life with the many people I have had the privilege to come across in my healing practice.

My intention is to confirm that this doesn’t have to be a married story, it can apply to anyone in a close relationship with another person, living under the same roof.

Keeping relationship alive and happy isn’t a challenge any single one of us wouldn’t wish to accept, and yet, so often, this very thing has failed us, in spite of every effort and all of our desire to make it work beautifully.

At a point in time I had two British friends, who were wonderful sisters. I got pretty close to them, before we all moved to different parts of the country and lives got busy and distant.

I had the enormous honor of meeting their parents and semi-adopting them as family.

The dad was into aircraft and model trains. He had a train set running through their whole garden at one point. He was gentle, kind and quiet.

The mother was a huge personality, wearing colorful clothes, making all kinds of crafts and artistic items for gifts she gave friends and family. She was as tiny as her character was huge.

Anyone who knew her, loved her.

Most people didn’t know the dad as well as her, because she was bigger than life and he was loving her quietly in the background, as some of the best men do.

She was grey haired and climbing up the ladder of years when we met, and her Crohn’s disease and arthritic challenges definitely took a toll on her.

I sat with her one day, rubbing her tired, aching feet, without giving her much wiggle room for complaining about her many hurts and pains.

I gave her 2 homework assignments that only allowed her to complain once a day, before she got out of bed, sending the moans and groans into a large vase that we called the complaining bucket, she had placed beside her bed. The second was to invite her husband to share her bed again, gently touching her so that it didn’t cause any harm.

The rule was that once her feet touched the floor, all complaints weren’t allowed for the rest of the day.

She was also encouraged to snuggle with the husband that totally adored her, and hadn’t been able to get close for years, because she was too fragile for him to touch her, without her hurting.

He had really missed her.

After our visit her daughter who was staying with them at the time, found them snuggled in bed chatting and giggling together from the very next day onward. It was incredibly sweet.

They had some close, loving, extraordinary time together before she passed and he followed within a few short years.

Connection is majorly important at any stage of life, and it’s worth adapting to create a happy spouse for a happy house.


Please share your suggestions as to how to find and keep a deeper connection with your partner in the comments section below!! Your input is valuable and I want to create a place where we can all learn from each other and share our ideas!

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