Going Within - A Spiritual Story

This is going to be my ongoing healing story, not a story of the healing that happens within anyone else. It’s not self indulgent, instead, it’s simple, self aware and honest.

It’s interesting before and after enlightenment really begins to hit a home run, that pointing “out” rather than pointing in can so easily occur.

You may be scratching your head and asking what that means? Or, you may be nodding with “Oh, Yeah!” - either way, I can honestly say the road inward, even with it’s bumps is sweeter than the outward journey we are also participating in. I am beginning the new year and new chapter of my book of life on a more deliberate inward journey.

So, here’s what I’m doing, affirming, creating and now sharing………………

I’m listening.

I’m listening to me more than I’ve ever done before.

It makes me “well up” to even admit that out loud to each of you.

I am falling more in love every day, with every thought, feeling, word and the actions that follow.

I am accountable to me.

I am answerable to my Higher Self.

I am worthwhile.

I am unique and deserve to get to know me.

I am glad I showed up here on earth.

I am curious about what’s going to happen on the next page of my life.

I love to assist each of you to be open to more awareness and lift your vibrational medicine.

I feel supported and held.

I am empowered without overpowering anything or anyone else.

The whole Universe really does have my back, my front and all the bits in between.

Expression is my freedom to be experienced every day.

Life is a treat.

The journey is worth keen observation.

There really are no ordinary moments.

I love me first.

My boundaries remind me that I matter.

All is well.

I am the co-creator of all and any changes and improvements in my shiny existence.

My intention in sharing this Going Within spiritual story, which is actually more of an intentional list - is to be of service. Sometimes - sharing simply what you’re up to, is more relevant than talking to people about what we may consider to be of interest to them.

This list is what I’m up to.

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Love & Blessings,


Get personal with your Angels!!
Connect with me and see what they have to say!!