Joy - A Spiritual Story

I was living in my own little home, as a single mum in a suburb of London, in England. My mum stopped by every day, fed my children, while I worked at a job in London, and even hung out at weekends while I did projects or studied for the many holistic diplomas I was completing. It was a special time.

I had clients on evenings and weekends for healing and massage sessions. My regulars began to form and life was simple yet good.

Joy came in many forms, some from the clients, some from life experiences with the children and my mum’s magical presence always in my life, and some from the silly things I got up to.

I loved that time with my children and my mum. We grew quite close during those days.

I remember on Shrove Tuesday (official pancake day) that I made crepes and tossed them so high, the children squealed with delight, neighbor children were visiting, and I had to stand on my stepping stool to peel at least one large dripping batter mix from the ceiling.

One of my sweet stories involved a child I never got to meet…………………

A lady came as a referral, for a massage. She said her shoulders were so tight, like cement, that you could build an apartment building on them (she actually said a block of flats in Brit talk). I laughed and then once my hands were on her shoulders, I agreed.

I realized she had a huge burden she was carrying and knew I needed to take her on a journey to change her mind. I wasn’t honestly sure what we were changing her mind about, except that I felt she had lost her joy.

I was totally guided and walked her into a wonderful field full of wild flowers. I peeked at her before closing my eyes once more, and she had a little smile growing on her face. Her shoulders were softening, and the cement was crumbling. So, I kept going.

We walked her through the soft, long, damp grass, with the fragrant flowers and gently stopped her in the middle of all the brightest colors of fully bloomed flowers. She was asked to drop her shoulder bag onto the grass, until she could barely see it, and then sit and finally lay down amongst the gorgeous blooms all around her. She was asked to become as free and wild as all the flowers around her, to feel the joy of pure growth, beauty and fragrance.

To my surprise a little boy walked toward her and invited himself to sit and lay beside her. He held her hand and giggled, that joyful child laugh that’s not for any reason other than the simple joy of being an innocent child. His hand found hers and held it, squeezed it and in the guidance he was supposed to share his dreams, hopes, wishes with her. She was asked to do the same with him and hers. I opened my eyes briefly to see silent tears gently falling down her face.

She stayed there for most of the guided massage, while the energy that flowed through me, took me to arms, legs and feet. Fragrant essential oils and lotions were used that seemed to bring the images to life and invoke joy and calm into the room we were anchored in.

She was having such a glorious experience and I felt honored to witness and share in it with her.

I gradually brought her back to the room and left her to dress, with a cup of water at the small table and chairs in the space.

When I returned her hair was sticking out like a crazy person who had just stuck her finger in an electric outlet. I made sure I didn’t laugh out loud, even though I suggested she use the restroom to gather and ground herself. She returned and with shiny eyes, told me she had a son who had huge challenges with learning disabilities and tough behavior. She was struggling to reach him and hadn’t told anyone how big of a struggle she was in, as she felt like she was failing as his mum.

She even questioned whether she loved him or not, because she often felt like she was at a loss. The meditation had brought them together and she had loads of ideas. She returned to me and we created a calendar of activities, support with other parents of children like him, and events she could attend that would be beneficial for both of them.

Her life changed completely and she found the joy of being his parent that she had never imagined possible. One of the big things that had happened in that first session, was that she realized she didn’t want to give up and in fact both her and he made a spiritual pact to find pathways to meet and embrace a happy existence. She knew after our first session she could co-create this with him. She left excited and stayed that way from then on.

We helped her find joy in being his mum and his in being her son.

She reminded me why I did the work and I loved the solution to what seemed to be a problem.

She simply had to change her mind and be open to help him find his.

Joy lived there.
It was waiting to be found.

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