Living Past 150 Years of Age

I read a post on facebook about living to 180 and it got me thinking…..

“Would I wish to live that long? If so, how would I want to live? “

Honestly, my first thought, involved bargaining with the Universe. I stood determined, with arms folded in a rebellious stance, letting my Guides know that I was only willing to live that long if I was still having great sex. There! That’s said, and considering I’m currently widowed, single, and not dating at all, it seems a little bit of a stretch right now.

We don’t really get away with anything. We are all on camera with the whole Cosmos and they are watching us. The more we attempt, the greater the truth is that we stand in, the kinder we are to ourselves and each other, the bigger the interest is from the Cosmos. I often guide clients, students and enlightening beings, that every day in every way it’s our job to become better and better.

I’d also want to live that long as a fit, vibrant person, without pain, who could still walk, dance, move easily and eat whatever I wanted with some moderation. Most of that is true for me right now, except for the eating what I want when I want it, because I work out 6 days a week these days and have been eating a lot less, yet only lost 4 lbs in my first week. I know these are all steps in the right direction but there’s this big hope for a massive dramatic moment when you get on the scale, and when it’s just a little step in the right direction, its not as exciting. I’ve been lying to my treadmill as it is. When it asks for my weight, I’ve been putting in a number that even with my current weight loss, I haven’t reached yet. Fortunately, the treadmill doesn’t send a report to anyone here on earth, except for the fact that the whole Universe is watching, and it is a total lie.

I am working on personal development and self improvement every day. I can always do a better job. So, what would keep me here for over 150 years? What would keep you here? It wouldn’t be able to be many of the people I know, because I would assume only a few would choose to stay as long as me.

In many cases it doesn’t sound wonderful to be around anyone that old, even to be in the same room, considering the potential decay that would come with such an overripe age, and yet there could be major advantages if it was possible to live that long. The bucket list could grow really big. Living in differing and interesting circumstances would be fun, with nothing to lose because of the sense that you were living in major bonus time, you could be more daring, share what you felt to anyone, without concern for how it was received by them, or the consequences of any thoughts they had about you.

I feel that overripe age would come with huge benefits. Life can be amazing, and it’s what we make of it. If life’s precious gifts are about experiencing the moments, then 150 plus years will simply have lots of them.

“I’m ready. Are you?”

Let me know your thoughts on living to a “Ripe Old Age” below… Not everyone wants to live for twice the expected norm… I look forward to stimulating great conversation and insight on this subject and getting different points of view!!

Love & Blessings,

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