Divine Love Audio Meditation
Divine Love Audio Meditation
Calling in love from higher places doesn't go out of fashion and seems like a very good idea.
Divine love can also be termed “pure love” as it will show up in an unconditional way, with total acceptance for who we each are and also who we aren’t. It’s worth imagining that we are already fully loved in a Divine way.
Divine love holds an enormous power of attraction. It's also a balancing force that brings harmony inside us and the other people around us, with Nature, and with God SOURCE ENERGY. Divine love seeks no object to express itself.
It is a sacred relationship dedicated to supporting each other's growth on all levels, including the spiritual path. We want only the very best and highest for the beloved. We do not harbor destructive, negative feelings. In divine sacred love, we are able to let go and unite on a deep spiritual level.
Come with us on a journey of discovery and calling in the Divine Love you wish to experience and deserve in your life!