Inspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreThis message is about becoming bouncy in your life. How do you find your bounce if you feel you’ve lost it?
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreThis message is connected to how to lighten up. Here are just a few ways to be aware of raising your vibration and staying “Light”:
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreWe can’t simply move our mind forward if we aren’t moving the body as well. It’s also not balanced if we are moving our mind and it’s not engaged with the body.
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreBeing blessed and feeling this way is a conscious choice we deserve to make every day, and in each breath of life we take.
Read MoreI have loved the evolving spiritual growth I’ve experienced along the way so far, in this extraordinary life. I am going to thoroughly enjoy sharing this story with each of you!
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreOur awakening is about heightening our normal senses, stepping up our curiosity in each other and generally becoming more aware of ourselves.
Read MoreLIVE YOUR BEST AND MOST CONSCIOUS LIFE. So often in life, especially in former generations, we have tended to hand over our power and even our responsibility for our life. In this course and workbook, you are encouraged, even inspired to create and be empowered to live your best and most conscious life.
Read MoreAlong this journey I have had the great good fortune of meeting some of the World’s recognized Masters of energy. Some meetings have been incredibly sweet, while others left me scratching my head, awaiting the understanding I would receive.
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreArchAngel Michael is our great protector and helps us to stay open with Higher communication. He always has our back and loves to help us to live our truth and be solid with protection.
Read MoreI really love having ArchAngel Michael at many of the sessions I share. I feel safe and able to speak a loving truth to the people who are seeking guidance for the lives in this World with all it’s twists and curves.
Read MoreInspirational messages to live by and assist you in your daily lives!! There are so many possibilities for the day! Reflect on these special angel messages for motivation.
Read MoreThe essence of our truest being is our “spirit” that potentially leads us to our higher and greatest selves. Spirit has many interpretations both with our way of showing up and actual spirit of drink essence that can open a portal to different energies that may not necessarily be in our greater interests.
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