The Holistic Soul Healer

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Spirits - A Spiritual Story

Being in contact with the spiritual realms, and beautiful individual spirits, continues to be one of the most wonderful and sacred contracts I have in this lifetime. I have mostly loved the innocence and potential of my fellow human on this path, yet been quite disappointed, even disheartened by the various degrees of separation I’ve witnessed and sometimes downright harsh behavior between my fellow man on earth.

I have rarely had to scratch my head, wondering about the way the spirits have tended to show up or communicate. I’ve felt really honored in the stories that have played out between the spirits and the humans they have needed to complete a circle with.

I have many examples and here is a sweet story that I love sharing.

People will often call upon me to bless a home or business, clear energies that are causing challenges, or speak with spirits that are in their home, businesses or lives, that are disruptive and without understanding, as to why they are there in the first place.

I haven’t yet gone to any of these sessions to “get rid of anything or anyone” as this is dishonoring and more often, unnecessary.

I will stand in prayer and call in ONLY love and light before I step onto land, or in a home or business. Then I listen. I really listen. The spirits will come and explain what is holding them to this earthly plane. They almost always have a reason. When they don’t, this is not the work I am supposed to do. I don’t help solve mischief or threat. I help solve love and create more harmony. This is the work I love.

One day I received a call from a dear client in Hawaii. She and her husband were having visitations most nights from a strong spiritual, elder Hawaiian man, who sat on their bed. He was very curious about her, my client. She interested him, and he was interrupting their marriage here on earth. My client’s husband was sleeping less and feeling less connected with his wife as a result of these constant interruptive visitations.

I went to the home, closed my eyes and had a huge conversation with this beautiful, romantic Hawaiian man. He explained that his wife and he had lived on that land, and that she had left our World a long time before him. He assumed that when he left, she would be there to greet him. This wasn’t the case, and so for many years he had returned to the land, in the hope that she would return and find him. She hadn’t.

My client looked very much like the elder Hawaiian man’s wife when she was younger. They held a similar energy vibration as well. My client felt familiar and he had missed his wife for a very long time. I then invoked his wife to come and meet me outside, on the land, in front of the existing home. She came and was happily surprised to find her husband. She too had been searching for him, in the spiritual realms, not the human ones. They had been looking for each other in different places. They simply needed a communicator between Worlds and realms, to reunite them.

I watched them walk forward together, hand in hand, with him waving great thanks to me for facilitating that reunion. My client and her husband found the peace in their sweet home that they had not yet known, and the marriage simply got better for them, as it deserved to be.

I love the romance that never dies, and the love that doesn’t give up. When we develop it here on earth, we take it with us as spirits for eternity.

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Love & Blessings,


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