The Holistic Soul Healer

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Believing- A Spiritual Story

Is it true that “seeing is believing?”

Perhaps believing is what we do first and then seeing becomes inevitable.

I have seen so many wonderful things happen in over 30 years of healing service.

I not only believe in what I’ve seen, I have complete faith in the infinite potential of our highest time here on earth. I constantly hold faith in each of us being able to reach our potential best, even when I have way too often witnessed and seen us living at our lowest and possibly even at our worst.

I often get asked by individuals how they can reach their dreams, while stuck in a reality they don’t like. One of the first homework assignments is for them to not let go of what their true desires, and believe it to be possible with every beat of their hearts.

One of the spiritual stories I remember touching me was when I met a wife who had so much love in her heart for unborn children, and she was quite broken when I met her.

She’d lost two babies and her inner World had completely fallen apart. She’d lost any kind of belief that she could have children of her own.

I saw the two babies in spirit form, floating on either side of her (because we don’t lose anyone - they simply don’t wear a physical form). They were so sweet and almost mischievous. Time went by and I knew that the next pregnancies would be fruitful and a reality. In her particular case it was about timing for the little people to drop all the way into the physical World, and not about the timing that the adult parents hoped for.

Whenever we spoke, I lit candles and offered up prayers of thanks for the two gorgeous children that were about to appear. She was asked to light candles and state prayers of thanks, like Grace before meals, with words such as these:

“Thank you for what I’m about to receive, may I be truly thankful for the children,
that honor our life with theirs, and so it is.”

The next two times she got pregnant, she birthed two fabulous children. There were no challenges, and no complications. This was many years ago.

I’m not sure she believed in her abilities and Divine connection any longer, and for some reason she chose to believe in mine. I was fine with that permission to believe, because it simply lent itself to a more profound state of belief, or faith if you like, which then led to the reality she now has. There are two children in our World that came from a belief that held strongly enough to become a reality.

We can so easily lose ourselves in the realities that don’t show up, and then begin living the life we don’t want as a result. It’s a much higher vibration to live in the belief of all that’s possible, holding up unshakable faith in what we want to create, and believe in it all the way.

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Love & Blessings,


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