The Holistic Soul Healer

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Universal Rhythm - A Spiritual Story

There are so many stories to share on the subject of Universal Rhythm. For me, it’s about listening. I would say if asked (hopefully if you’re reading this, you’re asking) that being psychically engaged simply means listening to a larger sound, rather than how we usually listen on a human level. When instructing on spiritual principles, I’ve often taught others to open their senses to hear, see, feel and allow more information to come into their field of energy.

I would say that someone very gifted is able to listen all the way out through all the fields, while someone not as good at connecting with their gifts, is not practiced at listening all the way out, and is more grounded at bringing their awareness to what’s happening in the life of Worldly and earthy distractions.

There is a hum, a sound that the Universe shares with us. When we listen to that hum, we gain a new, wider perspective. Every story of healing and each story of reading energy has this Universal truth to it. All I do is listen, and then share what I’m hearing.

I track the energy from where I’m hearing it and to where it lands on the person or persons I’m tracking it to. Please know that any story I share comes from this Universal Rhythm. When I let student or client know that they too can accomplish any level of awareness they wish, it’s simply about listening and inviting in this Universal Rhythm.

Don’t you simply love how simple that is?!

In one of many Reiki classes, I had the great pleasure of literally tuning up the vibration with my drum beat. I beat on the drum quite loud and spoke aloud with words of love and blessings. This was such a powerful force to be reckoned with. Everyone present wept, shook with the vibration and felt the connection to Source energy.

I have experienced the floor and walls shaking with the vibration when the energy is so strong. I have felt windows rattle and have grown shaky and cold with such strong energy when it has poured through me.

I’ve loved and will continue to love this work that is a dance and song between my willingness and Universal Rhythm. I highly recommend that you open, listen and allow this rhythm into all areas of your daily life wherever possible.

The Rhythm is always playing. It doesn’t stop. It’s gentle and kind. It’s soft and easy on the soul. Universal Rhythm loves us no matter how we show up.

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Love & Blessings,


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