The Holistic Soul Healer

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Future Potential - A Spiritual Story

I must admit to the fact that I so often live in the future. I will also admit that I can more often than not see the potential in others, whether they can or will reach it or not. It’s often got me into quite a bit of trouble. For example, if I can see how lovely someone can be, and they show up as not at all that ( and are in fact, quite terrible in their approach) it sometimes has taken me a while to adjust to the facts of their reality, rather than live in the dream of their potential.

I used to build their best selves in my vision, and then be quite disappointed in how they showed up, in sometimes their worst selves right before my eyes. It wasn’t their fault. They were being them on a lower conscious level while I was viewing them from a higher level that wasn’t where they were living from at all.

This was a huge lesson I had to learn and as I share it with you now, for the most part I have to say, it’s way better these days, and I don’t stand in someone’s potential anymore. I see it and celebrate within myself that I have the gift to see that. I no longer imagine that they live there, and instead I see them as they are, with a glimmer of hope that they will reach the place of light that I can see for them.

The person I’m the most responsible for in walking always towards future potential is the one and only - yours truly, ME.

I began to share many years ago, a future vision I had for myself, that seemed so simple, yet wasn’t the way I was living. When entering new classes, new learning opportunities, questions were often asked.

“What do you want out of life?”

“What does success look like for you?”

“What are your dreams and goals?”

I began to have the same answer for all of these futuristic questions………………

“I wish to experience outrageous happiness.”

It’s still my answer and I can say that I have begun to experience exactly that.

When a future goal meets the present reality, it could be said that we have met our future potential.

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Love & Blessings,


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