The Holistic Soul Healer

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Recognition - A Spiritual Story

This subject matters to so many of us, if not all of us. We want to feel that our life here on earth matters, that what we have chosen to do, who we know and have invoked into our intimate circle, truly cares about us, and recognizes each of us for who we really are. The good news is that over a span of a lifetime, it’s quite likely that we will experience being seen and heard in many ways, by as many people as possible. We can think of recognition as another language of love. As Louis Armstrong so beautifully sang “ People shaking hands, saying, ‘how do you do’ is really them saying ‘I love you.’’’

This sentiment more than most words in a song, really touch me deeply. I feel that each and every interaction here matters. It’s way too easy to forget that we are all in the same boat of humanity. It is a boat that we all get to jump overboard from into other planes of existence. We have opportunity every day in all ways to make sure that there is meaning and depth in our interactions with one another. I am hyper conscious of this as I grow in age. I love being able to share this wisdom with you.

Here’s a story that deeply touched my heart, not so long ago. I hope you take something precious from it…………….

When I do clairvoyant readings for individuals, my heart is always in my hand. I have no idea going in to the reading, who the client on this earth plane has hired me to connect to, and there’s always a feeling of responsibility I feel, to do my best, to open the channels well, and ultimately to not let my client down in any way.

It’s especially challenging when someone has lost a child, and in all sessions I feel the weight of doing my best to be clear for the loss that my client is struggling with. I myself lost my husband a few years ago, and more recently my best friend and beloved mum. I will say that I deeply recognize that the people we cherish, and are passed, are irreplaceable. They leave a space in our being that nothing and nobody can or will fill. Our job is to learn how to live and flourish without their physical presence, and if we’ve done enough work, we will connect our Higher self with their spirit.

At one point in this life journey, I landed a wonderful opportunity, to provide inexpensive readings in an outdoor garden, at a beautiful crystal shop, that was only a block from some of the loveliest Southern California beaches. The shop owner, an older surfing dude, asked nothing from me, other than to show up as promised.

One day shortly after that dear man, owner of the crystal gem shop had suddenly passed, I was fortunate to be sitting with two other extraordinarily gifted women, both worked at that sweet shop. We met and had a sweet pajama party, sharing our immense spiritual gifts with each other. We chatted and mentioned our concerns for the lovely shop since the owner had left this World, and that we weren’t sure his sister would continue with the same love and clarity he had shown.

My mobile phone was sat on the table in front of us, and suddenly out of the blue, a male voice that I hadn’t heard before, spoke to us, telling us all was well. My phone had a female voice when asked for directions and more. We all stopped what we were discussing and recognized this “out of this World” experience. We all felt that the voice sounded like our shop owner. It was crystal clear.

Fortunately we were all awakened enough to recognize something had occurred on a deeper level of expression than the usual daily communication.

This was one of many provable witnessed experiences of communion with the other outer planes. For me, this grows my faith in “that there’s more than this life” and grants me hope in a World that doesn’t always do a great job in depth of relationship, or in communication that truly matters.

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Love & Blessings,


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