The Holistic Soul Healer

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Acknowledge You - A Spiritual Story

Inviting in both nurturing and acknowledgment is such a wonderful ideal for our best.

We will flourish when we are strongly standing in both nurture and being acknowledged.

Even if we haven’t experienced enough of this during our more formative years, it’s never too late to parent ourselves and create the opportunity to feel loved and seen.

We look in the mirror every day, even if it’s only when we brush our teeth, when we have the chance to see, feel, hear and love ourselves.

I have over the many years of healing had the great honor to help individuals to feel into who they really are, at the highest potential and frequency. When we can live from a state of heightened self awareness and full acknowledgment, it is always going to be beneficial. Sometimes the World-at-large doesn’t care for us or about us on an individual basis, and so we must care for ourselves and each other, to change this colder societal reality at a grass roots, personal level.

One of the loveliest stories I heard was several years ago, when I spent a special weekend at a spiritual retreat, in Northern California. I met a highly awakened married couple of professional men, who had experienced something that fits the “being acknowledged” viewpoint. One of them began to share the story, while the other man bowed his head a little, to not cry at the memory of it. The story began…….

It was the first full day at a monk held spiritual sanctuary retreat. The private property was open to individuals by referral invitation only. The sanctuary only opened for certain dates during the course of the year. They described the setting as very quiet, in beautiful surroundings, on a self-sustaining landscape. There were basic, yet comfortable, clean sleeping quarters and bathrooms for each of the 5 bedrooms upstairs.  Downstairs held the state-of-the-art kitchen provided three vegan, whole food meals a day, a couple of library studies, a prayer hall, a small meditation room, and a large great hall for dining. The grounds outside included a huge labyrinth, rose and flower gardens, with sitting areas for contemplation, reading and meditation.

One of the couple was resting from a massive hike, while his partner was invited to come to the main hall for a pre-dinner mixer alone. The second partner was invited to attend his own pre-dinner mixer an hour later. They were both curious about this, and weren’t answered when they questioned the arrangement.

The first man walked toward the great hall with a certain degree of trepidation, not knowing what exactly to expect. At the double doorway of the great hall stood two of the monks in full dress, smiling with gentle smiles, wearing an extra set of sacred prayer beads around their necks. When the first man walked toward them, they bowed low and smiled wider at him. As he stood at the level they were at, they silently placed the extra strands of beads around his neck. He was so moved by the manner of the whole gesture, that tears sat at the back of his eyes. Then something extraordinary happened. When they told me of this, I openly wept at their description.

The door opened wide and in two lines, on either side of the great hall stood all the monks and the staff of the retreat. They broke out in applause, bowed low and applauded the man who walked in the center of the two lines. He silently walked the line of total acknowledgment, full on applause, bowed heads in honor of him, and smiles of complete love and adoration. Tears ran unashamedly down this man’s face. They all walked behind him to his seat, which one of the monks held for him.

They sat him at the head of the table, where he was to be served a meal in full honor and appreciation of who they saw him as. Each monk and person at the table lifted a glass of clear water to drink to the greatness of this beautiful man.

An hour later after he had eaten and been bowed to and loved so greatly, they did the same to his partner.

When those two men shared their experience later in each others’ tender arms, they again wept, at the power of such loving acknowledgment.

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Love & Blessings,


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