The Holistic Soul Healer

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Giggles - A Spiritual Story

Life hasn’t always been such a laugh a minute experience.

It is lately.

Over a year ago, I pitched my tent ( in the form of a little cottage we rent by the beach in Maui) with a darling man I had begun to fall in love with. Fortunately he fell in love with me too.

Our eyes are the same color.

He is kind and loving, tall and for me he is beautiful.

We have the same sense of humor and he’s pretty darned fun to be around all the time.

We giggle and laugh at the same stuff. I can see how much fun I am because he mirrors that all the time.

We puzzle together.

We watch great shows together.

We sing and laugh and play music together.

I am giggling more than I am serious all day long.

It’s tough to step out into the World and play much with others, when we have such a great self-contained entertainment system right here in our little cottage.

We even laugh at the inconveniences.

We only have one bathroom, and his teen likes to go hang out in it, sometimes with an iPad or phone for some time. Mostly this is fine, because we don’t need to get in there.

However, there have been late at night or more like outrageously early morning times, like 3:33am when he’s in there and I suddenly get a dramatic urge to visit the waterworks, and I absolutely cannot wait.

Fortunately we have a sweet garden area, that is quiet and private in the early hours of the morning. So, I’ve learned, with a quiet giggle, to go out under the stars and take care of any potential discomfort.

It’s a good excuse to do something a bit naughty and makes me laugh every single time.

This is just one of many moments that are a space of private and fun giggles I am sharing with you all.

I’m sure there are some of yours that you have…

Feel free to share and bring giggles to us and others.

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Love & Blessings,


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