A Perfect Fit - A Spiritual Story

If I had to narrate a sweet story, not necessarily a true one, and instead more of a tale that reaches in and touches the heart, makes the mind consider a variation of perspective, and sends a message that can deepen the soul connection, this would be the perfect subject matter. So, here goes….are we sitting comfortably, then let the story begin…………….

 Once upon a day in time, a lovely young woman stood in her home, wishing she had a mirror to check her appearance. It wasn’t as though she couldn’t find a mirror, she simply didn’t get around to purchasing one. She was very busy with caring for other people in her life, and although they truly and deeply appreciated all that she did, there was literally no time or opportunity for her to stop and take a look, a glance or even a quick peek at herself. She could only know who she was simply by the comments made about her by all the other people she met.

She wore loose and comfy clothes, had tumbled and quickly brushed hair, sensible shoes and a simple bag thrown together with all that she could possibly need for all that she accomplished in a given day. She figured she was quite happy but honestly didn’t know that for sure, and based her happiness on how happy those were that she spent time with. She lived in a very simple small home, with very little that was special, because in fairness, she was out a great deal in the homes of other people, and she really enjoyed all that they showed her about their homes, that nobody ever came to hers and they were so pleased that she was so interested in their lives. She felt that her bubble of life was good enough and that she was fortunate to be doing what she did.

The people weren’t hers but she was glad she was theirs, and knew her blessings were good because when she left them after her visits, they were smiling more, and waved her farewell, speaking to how much they looked forward to her next visit. The years grew and the people changed very little, other than growing older, and some of them had children, grandchildren and one or two of them moved away or grew ill or left the world. She laughed and cried and shared with them.

One day a large, handsome man, in a hat and sunglasses, came across her path and literally bumped into her. In such a surprising way, she dropped her bag of food that she was taking home to eat. She was a bit cross, and told him he needed to look where he was going. The very next day he walked right up to her with a new shiny bag of all that she had lost the day before, and walked her to her home. He began doing that every day. He asked her about her, told her she looked pretty, and she saw her reflection in his glasses. Every day, she looked at the reflection and saw him as a perfect fit for her. She saw herself for the first time and she began to look forward to seeing him, and also really enjoyed seeing herself.

She became a perfect fit for herself and got more beautiful in the reflection she saw through his glasses.

We all deserve to find our perfect fit here on earth, and not only invest in others. We must invest in ourselves.

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Love & Blessings,


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