Feeling Worthy - A Spiritual Story

There are many real life stories that grow around turmoil and abusive situations in our world culture. War and unrest sit at the top of these unpleasant and uncomfortable human experiences. This can understandably have a detrimental impact on an individual’s worth and value system. I feel this is one of the most challenging truths to unravel and heal from.

Over the years I have met individuals who have lived through some huge stories that many of us are fortunate enough to never have to even begin to imagine. My own mother grew up in a world war torn London. As a young girl she had to rush into underground bomb shelters, when planes flew closely overhead and the engines stopped suddenly, making it clear they were pilotless planes with one motive, and that was to drop a bomb. When she emerged from safety, smoke, fires and both buildings and homes had crumbled to the ground. Hers was one of many stories that seemed almost impossible to fathom.

A close friend of mine as a teenager, had a very strict father. She had so many rules I could barely keep up. I didn’t know why her father was so tough, until one day I asked her why he had suddenly let up. She sat me down and shared the whole story.

 She let me know that she had been told by her mother that he was a bit of a hero, although he didn’t speak of it at all. One day she blew up at him when he gave her a one week lock down because she came home 15 minutes later on a Saturday out with me and our friends, than the time he had set for her. She lost it which was unusual for her, telling him he didn’t value her and was ruining her life. He returned her anger, letting her know she had no idea what value was,and that she had no clue about what ruining someone’s life truly meant.  He went to her high school that Monday and arranged to give a talk. He told his wife, who shared with her that it  was time his daughter knew about his past.

Within a month the school created a special, extended morning assembly, with an honored guest speaker. The teachers placed my friend at the side of the room in a slightly hidden place, where she would be able to feel any emotions that may arise, without embarrassment.

She sat down with the whole school and her father surprised her as he walked in. He sat on the edge of the stage with a microphone, and began talking. He had grown up in Germany, and as a teenager, had joined the resistance, where he helped arrange hiding, travel and rescue for hundreds of Jewish families. He was part of a group who saved many from awful deaths at the hands of Nazis. He glossed over some of the harsher details, and was a bit more factual, explaining that his entire family disappeared over days and weeks, until there was nobody left.

He finally got his own passage out of Germany and landed in the suburbs of London, where he was planning on living out the rest of his life. It was where he met his wife and had his two children. He knew his worth and valued life so much, that he held his children a little too tightly to him, because of his past. I had such love and respect for him after that, and his daughter understood his worth and hers.

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