Peaceful Life - A Spiritual Story

In over 30 years of life, I have intentionally kept connected to and worked toward a more peaceful life. Sometimes that has been really successful and at other times it hasn’t at all. I take full responsibility for what I’ve allowed in or not.

Having shared time with clients, patients through hospice, work and business colleagues, family and friends, I’ve learned bunches about peace or not.

Some of those healing stories were sweet, while others were challenging to help and be of service to.

One of those stories was both sweet and also challenging, as I will share………

In the healing center I held space for, in Southern California, there was me and a handful of therapists. We often did lots of promotions, free public events for sampling, and touched lives with intention, to convert some or many of them, to paying clients. Sometimes this worked great while other times, we simply gave our time and gifts away for free. That’s life and it was still worth it, because we were still touching lives anyway.

Cards were handed out and sometimes months later, people came to seek us out as happily paying clients. Sometimes people left us better for meeting with our hands and hearts, and moved on to never be seen again.

One client rang to book a massage session with a “give away” promotion that had been won in a charity auction, at her husbands’  private golf club. He was a rock solid, earthy strong Irish man, who wasn’t a massage or healing center kind of guy, and quickly gave his win to her. She loved taking care of herself and wanted to try us for the first time, instead of traveling quite far to receive her healing and spa treatments. I knew at the time of booking that she was my client. I prepared the room for her, while receiving visions and insights that I knew were connected to her, as she was in the pictures I was getting.

I saw a man who was beautiful, looking like a movie star, and he was a peaceful man, who was in deep discussion with a petite, kind short-dark haired woman, with brown eyes and small features.

The day came and the woman who met that description I’d seen, walked into our healing center with a trepidatious smile on her little face. She was nervous about trying someone new, and yet also a little bit excited to be receiving a healing massage at a local center, with no drive time.

She completed our form and I showed her to my healing room, lit with candles, with gentle music pouring out as we stepped in. She relaxed almost immediately, and as I left her to prepare, I knew we were going to have a wonderful session.

She was breathing deeply within moments, relaxed, silent and peaceful on that table. I invoked that she was going to drop all the way in, and it wasn’t until our time was complete that I shared the visions and insights with her. She wept a little and I figured she was in a sweet space and would have potentially cried at anything said, and she hugged me tight before she left. She rebooked within a 10 day period. Before we were to begin her body work session, she asked if she could tell me something very private and a real secret she had been holding close to her heart for many years. I nodded and was completely on the edge of my seat with great interest.

She nervously explained, that she had been married to her Irish man for several years, with many shared interests, including family and friends. Although she was happy and committed to the relationship for the rest of time, something had come along that she had not been able to understand. In their religious circles a man had shown up. He was exactly as my visions described, and their friendship, trust and deep love was obvious between them as pure friends.

The anniversary of his passage had been the first day of her massage. He had come through my channels to let her know his infinite friendship and love for her was alive and well beyond this World. He wanted her to know he was alright and he had shown up throughout her massage with me. He was talking and even touching her shoulder during the session we shared.

She had always had faith and was a believer in something profoundly powerful. Now she felt she had absolute proof and could feel her faith literally touching her shoulder and speaking to her heart. Every time we worked she felt his presence. It was truly wonderful. She admitted she could love her husband more knowing she hadn’t lost this dear and precious friendship. She could lead a more peaceful life with this reality.

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Love & Blessings,


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