Trust In The Divine Newsletter
Trust is an extraordinary word that covers so many areas of experience during the course of a lifetime. We sometimes have to learn to trust ourselves, especially if and when we’ve made choices we regret afterwards. We often have to trust each other at work, home and play. To live in a World we don’t have any reason to trust seems like a life that’s fraught with drama and heartache.
The one place we can fully trust, if we allow faith to enter our hearts, is the Divine point we came from and return home to. Unlike any agendas that may exist in our physical world, the Divine realms cherish and adore us, and only have our greatest interests at the foundation of vibration and pure energy. We are most often their point of focus and love even when they aren’t on our radar at all. It’s a good thing to get to know our Higher Selves so that we can be more intentional in our daily life, and allow ourselves to share the wheel of directions with a more Divine partnership. Not only does this serve us in not having to feel alone, we can also live a more guided and deliberate existence, with a spiritual family of rich support that is a witness and loving observer to all that we accomplish.
There is a Divine plan for each of us and for the timeline we live in here on earth. We may think we make all the plans, but there is a Master plan already in place that we can either walk against or work with. Going with a “deliberate” spiritually creative flow will work better than trying to make things happen on our own material agenda.
I have personally and professionally seen the strength and effectiveness of a life that has the qualities of affirming, calling in, and intentionally invoking a life order with spiritual backing behind all choices and decisions. I myself am fine tuning this to move from habits of “doing it myself” instead of sharing the wheel of driving this life with Divine.
How are you releasing old patterns and invoking more profound spiritual practices?
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Love & Blessings,
Get personal with your Angels!!
Connect with me and see what they have to say!!