Special & Unique Newsletter
One regularly themed comment that has poured through my own conscious cheek, during sessions and classes I’ve helped facilitate, has been the reminder for individuals and small groups, that within each of our fields of energetic consciousness is a unique, only one in the whole Universe being, that deserves to claim it’s own sovereignty and express that which can only be expressed through that person, as nobody else has quite that specific individual form and truth that we personally hold within our vibrational field of excellence.
When it comes to life purpose we are each on that path automatically and naturally because it’s the job of ours to simply express who we are, what we see, think, feel and speak from our perspective. Sometimes we mess up in thinking and feeling that anyone else thinks or feels exactly like us, when in fact it’s not possible to be exactly like anybody else. If we are fashioned from an omnipotent source, then each of us is what that source is engaged in. The more we are our authentic selves, the greater we are then expressing source energy, on target, switched on, lit up and on purpose, showing up to be the being we came to earth to be. It’s our main job in this life.
The World at large has in the past shut so much of the individual creative freedoms down, and we’ve allowed it. Now we have to stand up and speak our truths, glorious joys and share our personal expressions of creativity, without apology. Let’s open up our unique qualities and explore how many relatively expressive outlets we wish to step into during our dynamic lifetimes, without being dimmed or shut down completely to satisfy anyone else’s limitations or to be more dutifully complicit with our societies, instead of shining our brightest and most loving unique lights with this World who always needed it. The limitations that have existed have been more from fear than love, and fear holds back while love expresses freely.
Planet earth has been referred to by prior spiritual masters as “the prison planet” and freedom comes from opening the doors of our unique experiences being shared and our hearts' wisdom felt by those open to receiving it.
Are you claiming your freedom to express and share?
As always, please share this post with anyone that you feel can benefit from it! Please like us on your social media channels and subscribe to our mailing list if you haven't already done so! We are mailing out a monthly newsletter and a recap each week of our blog posts and interesting tidbits! This is how you can stay informed with what is new in the world of The Holistic Soul Healer!!
Love & Blessings,
Get personal with your Angels!!
Connect with me and see what they have to say!!