The Holistic Soul Healer

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Nature Time - A Spiritual Story

I feel that spending time outdoors, in nature, is vital for spiritual connection. I haven’t always done such a good job of making sure that happened. When younger, I hopped onto a train, then into a building where I worked all day, then hopped onto a train again and simply went home, into another building. This is still a reality for some individuals, and knowing what I now understand, this isn’t ideal for our highest and best health and well being. It can lead to a whole bunch of personal disconnect to everything that matters.

We are very much a part of our natural surroundings, and so not stepping into it, with intention, removes a large part of our authentic selves. I don’t feel we can truly afford to do that anymore.

Living in Hawaii, and especially the magical lands of Maui, inspired me to experience the oceans every day. I snorkeled and swam in those exquisite waters, sharing space with the fish and sea creatures, with clarity and awe. I continue to be ever so grateful for that time, while here in sunny Florida, whose beaches are gorgeous, white powdery sand, while the waters are definitely not as clear as my spoiled eyes witnessed.

I remember witnessing adults becoming childlike, squealing in joy at splashing around in the ocean, and seeing a freedom in their true nature meeting a welcoming environment of open vistas. I loved seeing that. I see it here in Florida as well.

The true nature of many of us is like that of wonderful children. We are curious, excited, happy and free. Natural surroundings help us to claim this huge aspect of our being.

I used to think that people speaking with plants and trees were a little nuts, to be honest. As I have grown older, wiser and less prone to judging, more open to alternate viewpoints, I acknowledge all forms of life here on earth. There is something very special about our relationship with plants and trees.

Recently you will all know, that we moved to Florida. Here we have a garden. I don’t think I’ve been such a great garden person most of my life, and always thought my former husband was the one with green thumbs, when things grew. Since living here, I feel we have amazing garden Divas, who love playing in the flowers and greenery that we are growing and enjoying. The garden is flourishing as a result, and brings me the greatest happiness. Most nights I simply go out, thank the Divas, and stare in awe at the lights and full bloom of all the different flowers, plants and trees. So much is in blossom.

We took cuttings from neighbors and friends in most cases, transplanting them into pots and directly into the earth. We also visited the “death row” at plant centers nearby, buying plants and flowering pots, that were on their last legs. It’s been fun to revive them, bringing them back to life, with water and food. Almost everything has done really well. This is one of the times that communing in nature has a double win. We get to enjoy plants spreading and opening, while the plants get to expand and feel loved by our care and respect.

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Love & Blessings,


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