The Holistic Soul Healer

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Healing Understanding - A Spiritual Story

It took a lot of courage to call myself a healer, until I owned the fact that in the title, I was always committed to healing myself. Over the years there have been occasions when I received criticism for this title, and I simply shrug my shoulders, because I’m entirely comfortable with this commitment for my journey here on earth.

I love, love, love being on a healing journey. Advancing my knowledge of me and what brings me the greatest joy, is what keeps this trip to earth as vital and valuable for me.

Often times people in America would ask how long I’m visiting for, and I would say as long as is possible. I would then ask them how long they are visiting for. This would result often in laughter if they were awake enough to get the joke, or a look of “what just happened?” when they were still sleepy.

We are all visitors, living away from home. When we go visit another place, it’s healing and kind for us to treat that place with curiosity and respect. All of us are visitors on the planet earth, as it’s not a permanent home to any one of us.

I feel that while we’re here, healing is a very solid part of the time we have. We are infinite beings, having a finite experience.

I have witnessed massive healing in clients, friends and family.

I remember seeing bones come back together with enough focus, between myself, the client and the whole Universe. I love those moments. They lift my heart and bring me joy. I will share one of those…………..

It was a Sunday afternoon, on a blue sky, fluffy cloud day, in New England. My beloved mum and I were walking at an outdoor festival and market. We both loved those, and had a few cute things in bags. Towards the end of the afternoon, her foot caught a stone, and she twisted it so badly, that She couldn’t place her foot down at all. Holding onto me, we needed to leave and go straight home. Her foot puffed up quite badly, very quickly, and she was experiencing a lot of discomfort.

We brought her into the house, sat her down, feet up, with a towel under them, as I gently rubbed and held her foot. She closed her eyes and we sent healing to that foot, imagining and visualizing the swelling reducing and the color normalizing. That sprained foot returned to normal within an hour. She was focused and so was I. By the next hour, she was walking about on it and it was as though it had never happened.

Intention and focus is sometimes all that’s needed to produce material results.

I love when healing is thorough.

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Love & Blessings,


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