The Holistic Soul Healer

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Enthusiasm - A Spiritual Story

Life without some enthusiasm is a bit of a non-event. Let’s not even consider that as a possibility. I have been more than fortunate in leading a life that has included more reasons to generate my enthusiasm than not.

Growing up in London was an amazing experience. One of my fondest memories began an enthusiastic relationship on my 7th birthday. My Grandparents lived in London, right in the heart of a major outdoor market, in East London. They ran a chemist shop ( a pharmacy) that sold everything. Their small storefront led to a magical kingdom that included a three story home, stuffed full of oversized comfy, leather couches and the smells of gorgeous home cooking.

My sister and I would stay overnight there at least one weekend a month. On this 7th birthday, my mum came too. Three generations surprised us girls with theatre tickets to see “Anne of Green Gables.” There was even a cream fluffy golden retriever that was brought on stage during the show. I felt like I was in a whole new World. We sat in a velvet box, with velvet covered chairs. We placed a coin into a small container in front of us, and took out glasses to magnify the singers and dancers on the live stage.

There were ladies carrying boxes filled with sweets, ice creams and tempting treats in the intermission. My sister and I were allowed an ice cream that was creamy with strawberry swirls and nuts in a small tub with a wooden spoon. I laughed when the show was funny and got a bit teary eyed when there was a part that felt sad. I was completely smitten with live theater.

For many years after that day, I went to the theater whenever asked by family or friends, and as a teen, I hopped on trains almost weekly, from 14 years old onwards, going to just about every live show, and especially musicals. Sometimes I went on my own, often with my mum, and just as often with friends. I always sat in the theater, happily anticipating what was about to unfold before my eyes.

I especially felt enthusiastic about a whole group of people filling the stage with singing and dancing. It thrilled me. Still does. I get chills and sometimes even a little tearful at the level of joy I feel at being so richly entertained by such special and gifted people.

I enthusiastically thank any of you that dance, sing, paint and draw with talents that delight and excite those of us who understand how unique each of your gifts are.

Thank you for making this life worth living.

I would be enthusiastic about listening to and witnessing fabulous musicians, singers and dancers, even when usual daily life can be a bit of a challenge at times. Thank goodness for the arts. It’s a definite reason to live and a good excuse to be enthusiastic.

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Love & Blessings,


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