The Holistic Soul Healer

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Deep Love - A Spiritual Story

I have been so fortunate to witness some of the most precious, deeply profound love stories that exist, even within the limitations of mankind. I have many favorite stories to share. This is one of them………

Many years ago, at my Southern Californian healing center, I helped a young garden architect and landscape designer with her business, vision of success, with requests to help her access happiness in all areas of her most fabulous life desire. This included her owning a turquoise Harley Davidson motorcycle. Within a few months she drove up on that bike, and she had a grin from ear to ear.

We were almost at the end of the year, when she booked an early Christmas gift for both her mother and father to have individual readings with me. She took off as the only child, to arrange dinner plans and more for her beloved parents, who were visiting from out of State. Her mother settled into the soft cushions of one of our Adirondack reception chairs, chatting easily with my gorgeous mum, while the dad came back to my reading room with me, to start his 90 minute session of a reading followed by a healing massage.

We sat down, me open and ready to track his energy, while he sat with arms and legs crossed and busy closing me and any guidance out. I saw thick books and he confirmed that he had written many of the texts that students continued to use as references at a major University. He had led a respected and accomplished life. I also knew that focusing on his career was’t enough for this session to reach the points needed.

I asked him if he wanted to be reached and more deeply read. He nodded, which inspired me to ask him to open his arms, placing his hands on his lap, and keep his feet firmly placed flat on the carpeted floor. He did so nervously. I closed my eyes and invited him to do the same. As soon as we did so, we were both in his energy field, where I saw the deepest love I’d ever witnessed. I saw a story playing out like in the movie of “bridges of Madison county” where the leading man fell completely in love with a woman, who was married and committed to her family. He walked away and they never got to be together.

Her children found the love letters years later after she died. I felt this man’s story was very much like that one. I opened my own teary eyes, looking into his, while tears dropped and fell down his weathered cheeks. He admitted he too had given up deep love to remain committed to his family. He was the one who had walked away. That great love had kept a friendly connection all these years. She had passed away from this earth plane yesterday.

I sat shocked and saddened. He was devastated and the tears poured. We snuck into the next room, where he laid on the table, releasing her and feeling the love he had carried all these many years. I simply held space, sending great healing for him to connect with her on the outer planes of existence. Theirs was a deep, forever love.

He lay there for quite some time. I promised him our session was a private matter between him, me and the whole Universe, including her of course.

While I then worked with his wife, his friend, his sweet life partner, I also knew he had known the deepest love there is in a pure, unconditional and unrequited way. There was something to be said for at least knowing that deep love, even if it could not be fully experienced here on earth.

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Love & Blessings,


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