The Holistic Soul Healer

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Challenge Accepted - A Spiritual Story

Life can be a great, overwhelming challenge, and yet each of us has already accepted it, because we’re here, on this crazy earth plane. It can, and usually is also, very exciting and dynamic, because there aren’t too many chances of standing perfectly still for years, on this constantly spinning ball of life force energy.

Although we aren’t truly stuck, because it’s ultimately not possible, it certainly can feel like we are stuck and trapped at certain times in our lives. This is part of our breaking free and I’ve seen people move out of stuck, into challenging themselves to grow beautifully beyond the limitations.

I’ve been so fortunate to be in the position of guiding others to lead their best lives, and at times this has inspired them to move out of relationships that have held them back. It’s often moved them beyond work that didn’t satisfy, homes that they outgrew, and more.

In one case, I helped a woman to literally throw her life up in the air, and change absolutely everything. Her husband died and she sold her home, handed the keys over to her car. She left most of her relationships, moved halfway around the World and started over. She was scared and I often talked her off the ledge, and yet she had the courage to do it with little financial aid, no family closely around her, and friends to only speak to over phone lines, because they were scattered to the four corners of this World. She had no relationship to lean on, moving forward with no plan and just a few bags of precious belongings, yet she was free. She was quite terrified. She slept on other people’s beds, in their stable homes, for a reasonable fee, while she decided who she was becoming next. I talked to her all the time and reminded her she could do anything. She would be fine, even when deep into the nights, she wept and felt scared of the brave new life she had just stepped into. Guides always told her she was going to be better than fine. During all of this, she lived in an Ashram for a month of love and kindness, spent time in Mexico with a new man, who was good but not hers to keep. She visited a glorious Buddhist sanctuary, finding it to be lonely and remote. She experienced picking weed on a farm and spent time between countries and borders all over the place. She sometimes disliked the instability and sometimes loved the freshness of a life still unfolding. In all circumstances, she accepted life’s challenge of adventure. She was blessed, humbled by all and every experience she faced, and it took years to reach a point of stillness. In all the turmoil, she continued to set boundaries, and advance her spiritual journey to accomplish more love and greater relationships, especially with those who expressed kindness toward her.

She is brave, beautiful and compassionate.

She is me. Thank you for reading and for being such a wonderful part of my challenge that I accepted with all my heart.

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Love & Blessings,


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