The Holistic Soul Healer

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Pause - A Spiritual Story

I love to pause as often as I can, especially as the years flow forward. The longer I live here in the World the more I realize that life is a deposit system. You spend the time wisely and deposit the time in the bank of life. Once deposited, it’s gone, and will never be again. We cannot afford to take it for granted, and yet, while we can be busy doing a myriad of wonderful things for ourselves and those we care about, we must also be mindful to pause and enjoy life.

There are many ways to do this and I have experienced so many stories that truly touched my life, with all the people who taught me the value of a life of balance. Busy and Pause when balanced is a good life well lived.

Our humanity is much simpler than we most often have allowed it to be. For instance, an unconditionally loving pet knows who they are and doesn't have to try or apply for affection. They usually aren’t working on various disguises to cover insecurities, like we can so often do. There isn’t a memory of what anyone did wrong, because in most cases the beloved pet will revert to joy and love, over any other shown emotion. We can learn a lot from our loyal friends who pause with paws.

I remember having a client who found me due to an interesting referral. A woman had come to me for a reading, having traveled for over 90 minutes in Los Angeles traffic to meet me. When she walked in, I was told emphatically that I couldn’t read her. It was stopped and I wasn’t allowed to even try. I regrouped, took a time out pause, sat on the toilet actually, to muster the courage to let her know I wasn’t able or even allowed to conduct our session, and the guides wouldn’t even let me transfer a reading session to a healing body work massage.

I sat and looked straight into her hopeful eyes, telling her earnestly that I wasn’t allowed to work with her at all at the moment. I offered her tea and a slice of my mum’s cake, to try and compensate for her long journey, and she shook her head. She looked openly back at me, letting me know I was one of three healers who said they couldn’t work with her.

One had bluffed through a terrible session, while another and myself had refused to serve her at this time. I handed her a card, told her a couple of great places for lunch and watched her walk away. I shrugged at my mum, recognizing that this was unusual.  What happened as a result was stunning. She had felt grateful for my honesty, and referred three people to me.

One of them was living on her last nerve. Her system was really depleted and she talked a mile a minute. She held two mobile phones and was messaging or talking on one or the other all the time. She had come for a healing session, and intended bringing both phones with her.

There wasn’t any pause in the action for her, and she wasn’t allowing it anyway. My mum was so awesome in this area. She gently asked for the woman’s phones to keep safe with her handbag, under the desk, letting her know that she was going to sit there holding the precious items until the woman had finished with her session. My mum took both phones and bag, while the woman followed me into our room, while I then left her to lay face down on my warm, floaty table, to begin her time of unraveling the stress and dysfunction she had invoked.

Within a short 20 minutes of me whispering loving sentiments into her ear, massaging that tired, overworked body, she was so deep, I didn’t even turn her face up. Her physical being paused and took a complete break from the action of life. There was even drool involved.

I smiled all the way through the session, sending love and healing to every organ, every muscle, bone, tissue and fiber of her whole being. I simply rubbed love into her, pausing all and any conditions she had placed upon herself and her life. We got her to let go. I felt her spirit rise, her light body showed up and it was bright and amazing. Finally I talked her back into the room and made sure she was really back, before I left, letting her know I would knock to return, check in with water, when she was dressed and ready.

We all need to pause from the wheels of life that sometimes turn so fast. She needed that pause in a big way. We all do.

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Love & Blessings,


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