The Holistic Soul Healer

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Natural Healing - A Spiritual Story

This is a definite highlighted subject for me. I have great respect for Western medicine, and would certainly want a Dr to step in and do their best work, in several circumstances. However, I love the marriage when it can happen between the Western and the Eastern philosophies and therapies, especially the more ancient ones, that have been around for thousands of years. There are so many stories I can share on this subject, almost all of them personal experiences. Some of them are funny and odd, while others are touching and powerful.

I will share a couple of them…..

Due to the fact that for several years I ran healing centers, and held space for other therapists, I had many interesting encounters. When therapists wanted to come and work with me, as independent contractors, I would interview them in person and then if they were professional, reasonable communicators and gracious in their manner, I would arrange for them to massage me.

On one of these occasions, a really very personable, sweet, soft spoken lady came in and we spoke about her skills as a massage therapist. She had some Hawaiian training and wanted me to experience her work. The next day, armed with coconut oil, she was going to perform a physical massage interview.

She prepared the table and invited me to lay face up. This was already a mark against her, because I prefer the client/recipient to be included in the decision process, of how they wish to receive their massage, rather than be told by the therapist how it’s going to happen. I laid on the table face up, while she floated in wearing a grass skirt over her pants, playing and singing along to Hawaiian music. Thank goodness for the pretty music, because she danced and barely touched me.

She undressed the sheets, to the point where I was barely covered and felt odd and a little disrespected, and the whole show was actually about her and not at all about me. I was at a live dancing show, quite naked and it was downright strange. After a few minutes, I stopped her, telling her I had seen enough to know, and invited her to step out of the room, while I dressed. I was amused by the whole crazy interview, and realized years later, with my absolutely beautiful Maui healer, Jeana, and the special Hawaiian healing retreat at Ho’Omana Spa, that real authentic healing is outstanding and not at all a show. Thank goodness for authentic!!!

It was not an experience I would ever need to repeat.

However, I have had far more astonishingly great experiences than ones like that.

A second story I am about to share was with my beloved golden retriever dog, Woof. He was just a little puppy, about 6 months old. My children at the time, were attending a school literally across a 2 lane road from our home, north of Santa Barbara in California. He always missed the children when they went to school and on the day our man came to clean the pool, he almost always escaped and ran over to the school.

The school would call me, asking me to come and get Woof please. They knew his name and the whole school knew him well, because he was such a good escape artist. I would bring him home and I swear he had a naughty smile on that sweet dog face of his. One day he misjudged the road and was hit on his side by a car. The children were being let out early, and they ran toward him, scared that he may be very badly hurt.

I immediately ran a really warm, soothing bath, dropping in aromatherapy oils, for stress and shock into it and rubbing those oils onto his fur. I gently spoke soothing words to him, while the children sat back and watched him relax. The only noticeable concern after we rubbed him dry with a large towel, was that one of his eyes was a bit bloodshot.

Otherwise he seemed fine. I then rang the vet and told the receptionist what had occurred and how I had so far handled it. She obviously knew little about aromatherapy and its amazing benefits, and was horrified that I’d sat the dog in a warm aromatherapy bath and she strongly told me off. The children and I drove Woof to the vet, who after checking for any signs of internal bleeding, was impressed with what had occurred and how the aromatherapy and the bath had eased his shock and that he was fine. We took Woof home and he lived to age 14, granting us all many great years of unconditional love.

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Love & Blessings,


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