The Holistic Soul Healer

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Flashback Friday - Guidance - A Spiritual Story

From AUGUST 10, 2021

I love to consider myself as an earth guide, who is fully supported and guided by Light beings, ArchAngels, Angels and ancestors of the Light in High Frequency.

Even if it wasn’t always the case I enjoy holding the truth of that so that it feels like it’s always with me, regardless of my opinion or the lower questioning I sometimes allow.

Guidance is everything.

Being guided by higher means helps loosen the impact of the challenges of this Worldly culture and heightens the possibility, which then diminishes the doubt and any earthly disappointments.

Over the years I have as a spiritual seeker looked for guidance from other psychic and gifted sources, because I can vision and see so much for others, yet be quite challenged to see and vision for myself. This is one of many reasons we need each other.

I have loved a beautiful healer from the UK who has tended to be very accurate and a great go-to-person for me. She was a guide for my mum for many years, and prepared me for my mum’s leaving way before she passed.

There have been times when the guidance that came through me proved to be challenging. There were those days (thank goodness rare) that someone energetically crossed their arms and legs and tried to make me prove the work. This never worked well for me (or them) because while you’re busy trying to prove anything, the flow simply doesn’t happen.

When there’s freedom to work with guides and Angels at a high frequency, no proving necessary, anything can happen, and the magic of healing will then show up unexpectedly and in life changing ways.  

When doors are open from me, out of the way physically and spiritually aligned, and the doors are open from the person who has come to me for guidance, and timing is right from the Universe to align with the “now” extraordinary things happen.

Low expectation, with high hope and great faith in the realms of potentiality helps.

One of my favorite guides that I invoke very often is St. Anthony, who is the finder of lost items. When I or someone else loses something valuable, not only do I call him in, I also suggest they do. It’s been almost 100% accurate in finding items very quickly, often within minutes.

There have been instances when I am seeking something and I can’t find it. I simply stop and become still, inviting St. Anthony to show me where it is. I am then walked to the spot where it is and it’s almost always there. Not only do I do this often, I suggest it to others whenever I have the opportunity. Success rate is so high, it’s cute and funny.

Guidance works.

Don’t take my word for it, try it for yourself and let us know what happened for you…

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Love & Blessings,


Get personal with your Angels!!
Connect with me and see what they have to say!!