The Holistic Soul Healer

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Sacred Earth - A Spiritual Story

I love the spiritual work, and it connects me to the sacred realms, within this earth plane and throughout the Universal planes of existence.

Staying blessed by the sacredness of my life path and the pathways of the planet, I truly feel even more plugged in when I am in session with someone else, and I’m being of service.

The story I wish to relate is one of many that speak to the visions I receive from time to time. I mostly track energy and collect vision for individuals, rather than “big picture” items. When I have been given in lucid dreams or awakened visions something that crops up over and over, it has more often than not come true.

At one point, in one of my healing centers, I held a class to teach a few people the art of reflexology. They were all sat very comfortably, music playing in the background, playing with each other’s feet on each others’ laps. This time included tea drinking, giggles and easy conversation. My mum was there assisting me, having the time of her life.

The all ladies cast of characters were chatting away, while I was once again receiving a vision that I had been getting for a while. It consisted of two tall tower buildings in a major U.S. city. They were either in New York or Chicago, I couldn’t tell. I saw big slightly hairy feet, wearing strappy leather sandals, with a Mediterranean feeling to them. Those feet were stamping on the buildings, sending huge clouds of smoke into the air. I saw people running, screaming and scared. The group asked me where I was, because I had left the room and was transported to this scene. I returned and shared with them. They all looked as surprised as I was, and it wasn’t the first time I had seen this vision.

The last time I got it so strongly, I had gone to the Los Angeles times editor, provided a reading for him that he loved, and then returned to tell him my vision, and to ask him to warn those two cities that something was coming, and he wouldn’t do it, because it wasn’t factual and was too vague. Not that the news necessarily reports facts right?! It felt too much like weird news to his straight track news reporting and editing habits. I let it go and then it kept returning, finally showing up in a class that were open-minded and open-hearted enough to trust it.

Within a year of that class, the World trade center went down. Many of the images I had seen were a reality. I was tearful and felt like I had held a secret that was gifted to me, and I couldn’t make the difference I would have wanted, which was to warn and prepare the people. However, I wasn’t given a date, a timeline or any definition to act as a warning, so I’m not sure the knowing could have avoided the outcome.

This was one of the times when receiving premonitions, visions and wisdom was hard on me, and I felt let down and disappointed in not being able to hold the sacred earth and its inhabitants in my arms of any kind of protection. I was a witness ahead of time to sad news, and that didn’t feel so good at all.

This planet is so entirely beautiful and when in loving balance, it’s inhabitants are extraordinary. We simply have to remember we are borrowing time and space her on this sacred earth, and we deserve to respect and honor the gift the earth is giving us, in granting us life.

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Love & Blessings,


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