The Holistic Soul Healer

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Daily Pleasures - A Spiritual Story

There have been so many times in my life, when leading and guiding others in their life stories, was more of a daily pleasure than living in my own life story. This is no longer true, thank goodness. I love the work and now I love my life. There is balance and integration. I have learned a lot about me, and continue to notice, bring awareness to what makes me happiest, what challenges me, and whether I need the challenge or if I can make the switch to more joy. Whenever I can make that switch - I do.

One of the great daily pleasures has always been the extraordinary work. I have felt for over 30 years, that my life blessing has had a huge and unusual twist in heart driven fate. I work with people’s Highest and Best Selves. I love that.

I have, as a result, met some amazing people along the way, and in recent months, I have been most fortunate to work with a very, very spiritually gifted man, who is one of society’s heroes in his humble everyday life. Years ago when I lived on the East coast, I met a man whose job was a policeman. He was unusual, even in his occupation.

He didn’t wear the expected armor of the usual World protector. He was soft spoken, with kind eyes. He was honest and cared deeply for mankind. He didn’t love his work, yet felt it was a necessary part of his life journey to complete that agreed upon task. He had real friends, was calling in love and a family. He was also a natural channel for the Ascended Masters and the ArchAngels. He didn’t tell very many people and I had no idea how deeply he was able to serve humanity until recently.

I befriended him through another gifted lady, who became a dear friend of mine. She also worked in government protection for humanity, and in her extra time, she was outrageously talented, using essential oils, with life readings that were beyond authentic. I stayed in contact with her, and lost contact with him for many years.

He reached out to me recently and we began a protocol of spiritual coaching to bring his outrageously huge gifts to the World. He channels like I’ve never seen before. The channel is clear, bright, loving and more real than anything I have experienced. I can hardly wait until he is ready to stand on his platform and announce his readiness to share these gifts. We are recording his gifts and the replay of them, while preparing to send them to him, and help him to create a program he can share with communities around the World.

Being connected to him, the ArchAngels and the Ascended Masters who speak openly and clearly through him, is such a daily pleasure of mine, I don’t even have words to express the depth of how that touches my life. His gifts are a pleasure for me.

Just wait until you know him.

He is here to reach the World and his time will come………………..

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Love & Blessings,


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