The Holistic Soul Healer

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Spiritual Realms - A Spiritual Story

As I was contemplating sharing this with you, there were so many stories that popped up for me. Some of them were very filled with pure light and so sweet, while others were dingy and not light or bright at all. Of course, I’d rather tell the light and brilliant ones, and the thought occurs to me that maybe I could touch on the dingy ones if they are of service to you. However, a completely different alternative is that I feel you may enjoy my own spiritual journey and how I embodied the higher realms of spiritual wisdom. I love hearing the stories of others, and I’m being very presumptuous in stating that it may hold the same interest for you.

I have been consistently surprised and mostly delighted by the various realms of spiritual wealth that exist for us all. It seems like when I step onto the lily pad of understanding, and look up from my feet of that sweet under”stand”ing, I realize the ocean of lily pads I’m yet to stand on next. It means that I will not reach a vast understanding in the ocean of available knowledge and wisdom that shows up before me. This doesn’t frustrate me at all. I am excited by the eternal exploration we can all journey in. What a great reason to exist.

I have ben so fortunate to have had close encounters with earthly Masters here, and even more blessed to have enjoyed meetings with those who walk in Higher Realms. Meeting with the Angels and especially the ArchAngels has been, so far, hands down, my favorite of sessions. The Masters of the whole universe have shown up with a quiet reverence for all of life, and a gentle nudge toward our willingness to move further into our development. They’ve definitely nudged me along the way, every step of the way.

When we invoke, invite, and allow Higher forces to guide and lead our lives, we will experience more Mastery of self and greater wisdom with all that we meet on this plane of existence. I love it the most when I’m so completely out of my own way, that I am fully guided and loved and held by the Source energy of all Masters.

Some time ago I became affiliated with an owner of a massage school, where  I worked  as a co-instructor, until it all went a bit pear-shaped. Before that happened however, I had the most wonderful experience leading massage therapists to discover their gifts and the gifts of the spirit both within them and all around them. She became increasingly uncomfortable with the spiritual stories that were happening in the classes myself and a male anatomy expert teacher were leading together, mostly in her absence.

I was quietly sharing the spiritual realms and their guidance and visions with the individuals, one by one, in those classes. We had amazing solutions and sweet healing that poured through.

She called me into her private offices one day after class, asking me how would she know when it was me (Ruth) she was dealing with or when it was Source energy. It was a great question and I didn’t have a great answer at all. I shrugged my shoulders and let her know she could assume that Source energy was always present, even when it didn’t speak up out loud. Soon after that day, she fired me. Source thought that was really funny. I wasn’t as highly amused at all.

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Love & Blessings,


Get personal with your Angels!!
Connect with me and see what they have to say!!