The Holistic Soul Healer

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Manifesting - A Spiritual Story

I have always been fascinated by the subject of manifesting. We know the ability to manifest exists, because some people who are successfully using the laws of attraction, will probably swear by it. I feel there are many factors that go into the art of manifesting. Just like many skills in this life, manifesting I feel, is one of them.

I have seen clients create visions for their lives and are in several cases, living the lives that they drew out in their visions. I met some great people while leading a class at a 9 month New England massage course, that inspired students to create their businesses, in a learning environment titled “Psychology for Success” class.

The guidelines included a thick book and plenty of topics for group discussion. I took it a step further and made it fun, by purchasing journals for each student, a cardboard triple folded 2-sided tabletop display stand that could hold potential dreams and hopes for life ahead.

I rushed around collecting magazines and printing words onto paper for the class, and when the students came in to that class, not only did we walk through the books briefly every week as we were supposed to, we worked on our vision boards every single week as well. They got to pass the written test with flying colors, and I think more importantly, they got to take their well thought out and planned visions for the life they were wishing to create.

At that time I too chose to do my own vision board, with pictures, words and affirmations. I have to admit at least 60% of what I placed on that board did come true. One of the big things that has surprised me, is that while I was living in my gorgeous, expensive, oil heated Victorian home, shoveling snow until I personally overheated, I stuck a photo of a tropical paradise on my board and then forgot about it.

I currently live on Maui, in Hawaii. My home looks almost exactly like the vision board. It is in a less than 2 minute walk to beautiful beaches and has a lush, tropical green landscape off a large eat outside and sit on deck. I am simply renting it with the freedom to move anywhere I wish at any point, and yet this manifestation was created in thick snow, while leading a class in one of the most snowed on places on our planet earth.

I will say that I’ve lived in some of the most breathtaking scenery and have felt very fortunate as a co-creator of that reality. I also wrote a list within a year of my husband’s passing, to call in someone who met some massive criteria that nobody I’d ever loved had ever met. I am with my twin flame and the relationship honestly gets better every day.

Manifesting is possible, and sometimes I have to remember what I’ve created already, for the times when I lose a little faith, especially when I look outside of me and see the chaos and slight insanity of my sweet World.

Perhaps with enough individual momentum to co-create, we can also build more community co-creation to manifest a World we want our children and especially our grandchildren to inherit.

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Love & Blessings,


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