The Holistic Soul Healer

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Movement - A Spiritual Story

I have been a big fan of movement in this life, even though I freely admit that the level and consistency of it has been remarkably inconsistent. When I am in a flow with a routine of moving, eating well and choosing healthy responses physically, emotionally, mentally and of course, spiritually, I feel balanced and simply happier. When I’m off - I know it. I am sure we can all relate to this!

One of my favorite stories I have told in my “Miracles Happen, Even on a Bad Hair Day” book. If you’ve heard it, pop the kettle on, make a cup of tea, get settled in as it’s quite long, and sit and read it again ( it is that good.)

I was a part owner in a healing center with a young mother of two, who was the main earner in that household. Her husband was a chilled out blonde, surfer dude, who didn’t seem to do that much in bringing income in. Her and I had agreed to partner in a large healing center that was a bit of a disaster from the beginning. Her mother and mine shared the front desk and they were better suited than we were.

We often created promotions, that led to more clients for my partner, who was hungry for all the business and not good at sharing, and more frustration for me.  By the time we set up a couple of promotions outside health food stores, my fire was dim and the interest in pushing for success had rapidly dwindled. However, sometimes just when we give up and get out of our own way, is when the magical healing opportunities happen.

The first promotion we did, my partner took over my massage table and didn’t give it back. I grabbed a plastic chair and simply did head, neck and shoulder massage and healing in a very unenthusiastic manner. Yet the insights and power of the work was tremendous in the face of all of that. At the next promotion, on a cloudy, drizzly day, I didn’t bother taking a table at all, and just borrowed a couple of plastic chairs, one for my mum to sit on and one for clients to sit in.

My feet were almost entirely out of the door of that partnership and healing center and I was simply marking time. I was surrounded by professional massage tables and massage chairs, while all I had to offer was a basic plastic chair with arms. Yet my mum seemed to magnetize the right people to that simple chair and magic began to surprisingly happen. She knew it too. I was whispering insights into people’s ears and they were asking out loud, how I knew what I was sharing. They then left my chair and told others.

What I didn’t realize because I was in a zone, was that there was a fairly long line for my plastic chair. Then the rain began to come a bit harder and I was ready to pack up and leave. My mum watched a man who had obviously had a stroke, shuffle along, past our plastic chair area. He dragged his whole right side along as he passed my mum. She invited him to sit in the chair and receive healing. He nodded at his paralyzed right side and said he wasn’t able to feel anything. She suggested it may be helpful. There was something happening and my mum, me and this man could all feel it.

He walked back toward us and sat down. I closed my eyes as I had been doing all morning, and immediately felt the energy of this man moving through my heart. The tears began to fall as I held space over his heart. The tears became sobs of sorrow, his sorrow, and in my mind’s eye, with eyes closed, I saw his arm and leg begin to raise and lower. I saw the paralysis leave his body with the stuck sadness flowing through me as a channel.

I opened my eyes and his arm and leg were raising just as I’d been seeing. My mum was standing behind me, reminding me to breathe, and the man was following her bossy orders too. He wasn’t paralyzed any longer and I was stunned.

The other therapists looked at us, a couple of them really moved by the whole event, and in tears themselves. That man got his life back, went back to work and was able to move. Sometimes we lose movement because of life events, and his mother had died, leaving him paralyzed with grief for over 3 years. The tears shed through my clear channel, unlocked his sorrow and allowed for movement. This was a very special day, shared with my darling mum. One that neither of us ever forgot.

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Love & Blessings,


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