The Holistic Soul Healer

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Generosity - A Spiritual Story

During the course of living a full interactive life, all of us will experience generosity on some or many levels. This is one of the best aspects of living here on this earth plane.

It’s lovely to reflect on the two sides of generous behavior. One side being in the receiving of the generosity of others, and the the other side of connecting to giving generously of ourselves. I remember a particular uncle on my mother’s side of the family. I was a little girl and he would always place me on his lap, drawing or sharing a painting with me, and leaving me to hop off his lap with a small bag of favorite candy in my hand. His time felt endless, without any rushing or demands. He seemed to have all the time in the World for me. That was one of the greatest acts of generosity imaginable for me. Time is the greatest gift we give to one another. Time is the precious gold of this life, partly because of it’s finite quality, it becomes a constant reminder for us to spend our time well. Sometimes we have a far greater appreciation for time shared with someone once they are unfortunately gone, than we do while they are here with us. It’s amazing if we can appreciate time with each other while we are together.

My time with my mum was one of the greatest gifts I could have possibly given myself, and I had no idea at the time. She had asked me to come and stay with her, when she felt weak, isolated and quite alone. I dropped everything and traveled half way across the World to be in her sweet presence. Many people thought I was generous to perform this act of love, when actually it was a gift to me. She was at the end of her life, 89 years young, with a clear head and a body that had a lot less mobility. She couldn’t walk far anymore, had trouble with simple tasks, and was easily frustrated with herself, because she knew. I felt honored to do small jobs for her, walk to the shops to collect small items she needed, take her to Dr’s and opticians, and more. It was a pleasure that I now dearly miss with all my heart.

It’s more often than not, that as we give we receive, and acts of generosity are often the greatest gifts we can experience.

Let’s remember to tell people we love them. Let’s take time to comment where possible to let the people in our lives know how much we appreciate who they are. These acts of verbal and loving generosity are the best ones. They last and will mostly far outweigh financial gifts alone.

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Love & Blessings,


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