The Holistic Soul Healer

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Expansion - A Spiritual Story

I am committed to expanding, for the rest of my life here on earth, and of course beyond this grid system. I can be a little obsessed with personal growth and expansion. Sometimes this can cause some havoc in the material World, because while I see my being growing and extending, the World can be more challenging to navigate with it’s own nuances and certain limitations. However, I wouldn’t change the willingness to keep on growing for anything in this World.

I have been most fortunate to have witnessed many “AHA” moments with clients. Some of those moments have come out of what seemed to be great difficulties.

We really can create our own reality with a sharply focused, yet expanded mindset. I must admit that it’s easier for me to be expanded than it is for me to be sharply focused. That's an area I’m working on more diligently, with greater awareness.

There are several stories of expansion, and none more powerful than the ones where I have led hospice, and helped a family member transition, which is ultimately the most expanded state we can be in. The blessing in being in the space of someone preparing to leave this earth plane is huge and filled with grace.

One of my favorite stories was with a lady I was assigned while in the hospice system, who was deeply religious, yet terrified of what was next. She had carried belief her whole life, in a limited way, and here she was on the edge of moving toward the afterlife, without an expanded consciousness at all.

In the few weeks we worked, she found peace. I encouraged her to close her eyes and simply relax. I invited her to melt away any concerns, and expand to beyond any disease or physical discomfort. I helped her to breathe and ease into a different, more expanded state of being. I could on each occasion, feel her leave the room and a state of grace washed over her field of energy. When I brought her back she was actually reluctant to be on the earth plane, which was a total switch. She was surprised by the journeys she took, where she was able to meet with loved ones some she’d missed for many years, from the outer realms.

She looked forward to our time together, and more importantly she became ready to move forward, transitioning easily out of life and away from her body. I felt her expanded state to some degree, because she went out further than the space I was holding for her. She would return with a soft gaze, a gentle smile and a wistful approach to leaving her body. She was a rare gift of faith to me that I needed.

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Love & Blessings,


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